How many time did you give up b4 reaching your goal

Hi everyone I guess I am very down today!! But I feel I am a failer. I will explain why................. I have join MFP since last year I think, did good for few months and just fell of the wagon and gave up, then try again couple of months later and again same story!!! Now I recently came back because I went to see my Primary Dr and I am high risk Diabetis and have to try and loose weight for my own good!!! I suffer from PCOS and that makes it 10 time worse when it comes to loose weight and it is very frustrated at times!!!! I was put on Metformin a month ago but I have manage to only loose 4.5 pounds so far since I came back to MFP.................. Today at all days I felt like totaly giving up when I when on the scale this morning and didn't loose anything but didn't gain either... I see so many people here loosing weight everyweek and have so many succeful stories and I want to be able to do that one day.................. BUT feel so on motivated today!!! I am not around people who motivate me either so that doesn't help!!!! So I guess I just want to know if it unlike it to want to give up soooo many times or am I just a failer period!!! I don't share my food because in the pass I had to many noise people comment on it and it made me mad!! I guess I am just trying to reach out to people who maybe are like me and could give any advice or support!!!!!! thankz :cry:

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  • mbond6
    mbond6 Posts: 27 Member
    No matter how many times you start and stop as long as you still want to loose weight, please keep trying. Sometimes, we just need more information or more motivation. Sometimes our goals have to be reevaluated, and sometimes we have to compromise.

    Just know that if its important to you it will always be in your mind and your heart.
  • Maridelsol82
    I would say for you to keep trying! Most importantly I would see a nutritionist. Because of your specific needs MFP may not work. MFP is very general and you may need a more tailored eating plan or calorie goal. Your not a failure.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    Don't give up! I am losing weight really slowly - sometimes I go up a 1/2 pound (but then i don't log that, I just log when I've gone down). I've only lost about 7 lbs since I started in Dec.... I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm improving my health (especially exercise - which I hate, by the way, but I'm doing it) and that I'm setting a good example for my kids. I don't get a lot of support at home either - buy when I see friends or aquaintances that I haven't seen in a while, they can tell I've lost some weight and they are very complimentary of me.
    Keep plugging away at it! Do it for yourself, for your heatlh. The "looks" part of it should always be secondary. :smile:
  • cherryObebe
    cherryObebe Posts: 189
    Hi and congrats on the 4.5 lbs! Even if it isn't where you would like to be, it is something!

    Something you said raised concern for consideration. You mention that you feel like giving up because the scale isn't moving, followed by the statement that you don't allow people to look at your diary because you got too many comments on it. Were those comments about things that you might need to consider changing? Just a thought. Maybe you could have greater success if you made some dietary changes.

    If you are working out and gaining muscle while you lost 4.5 pounds, then you have to think of it a little differently. 1 pound of muscle is much leaner than a bulky chunk of fat that weighs the same. So, if you gained muscle, realistically, you would have lost far more than 4.5 pounds of fat. If you are not working out, then that is something else you can consider to boost towards achieving your goals.

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey!!! I understand giving up. I have given up on things in my life too. Giving up doesn't make us happy for the long term though. I do hope that you find the willpower to hang in there and push through. You seem like a nice person and deserve to allow yourself to be successful! Stay strong!
  • JoKool
    JoKool Posts: 7
    This is my third "go" at it with MFP....and so far 3rd time is the charm. I did like you, started once...fell off the wagon...a few months later....tried again....then the holidays hit....not only did I quit MFP....I gained 5 lbs. And then I turned 40 in Feb. That was it. I was determined.

    It's been almost two months with using MFP everyday. And so far so good. I do have my moments right now I haven't lost any weight in awhile...but I know I am losing something because my clothes are fitting better.

    Because my scale isn't reflecting my efforts lately, it's been really easy to get unfocused.....but I have to remember that the almighty "number" isn't everything. It's about how I feel...and I feel really good about my efforts thus far and I will keep on trucking.

    The difference about this third time is that I think I have realized it's not about JUST changing what I eat. It's about changing everything about my life. Making improvements across the board.

    Don't give up...and if you fall sometimes....that's ok....we all do....the important thing to get back up.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,048 Member
    Everybody quits until they get to the moment when they decide to do this thing. Then, they get healthy and stick with it for life. I hope you learn sooner than I did. I wasted a lot of years feeling crummy, being unfit, and being miserable about my weight. Now, I'm feeling great even though I'm in my fifties.

    You can do this -- but you are the one who has to make it happen.

    If you fall off the wagon, jump back on. But don't think of this as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change. If you skipped brushing your teeth for a day, you wouldn't give up on dental hygiene for the rest of your life, would you? Same with healthy eating.

    Practical pointers:
    1) Don't set your goals for 2 lbs. a week. That makes it too hard.
    2)Think of every day you get under your calorie goal as a win.
    3)Log in every day.
    4)Log everything even on Thanksgiving, Christmas and your birthday. (even if you go over by a bajillion calories).
    5) Exercise and eat back your exercise calories.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • 1missliberty
    77tes, I loved your post! But why is it necessary to eat back your exercise calories?