Trayvon Martin tragedy strikes again



  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Killing kids of any race is a tragedy.

    Killing ANYONE is a tragedy!!!!!

    Not true. Killing INNOCENT people is a tragedy. Killing murderers, rapists, child molesters, abusive spouses, animal abusers; is not a tragedy.

    Killing the bad people is a tragedy too. Everyone is a product of their genetics and their environment, there is no inherent evil. It is also a tragedy for the family of these perpetrators who had nothing to do with their crimes. I don't understand people who get satisfaction over the death of anyone. I remember when Bin Laden was killed I didn't jump for joy because we finally got revenge, I was saddened that things led down this path such that he needed to be killed.

    I'm sorry, but I literally just rolled my eyes at this comment.
    The world, unfortunately, is not a perfect place. And there are "bad people" running around. Putting them through state/province run therapy, or institutions is a waste of your and my money. The re constructive therapy is highly ineffective. Just kill the people, take them off the streets, and take them away from hurting other families and people, do not put them in a place where they are given "free" shelter, food and education - or hell, release them back into the general public and let real justice have some play. It's simple.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Killing kids of any race is a tragedy.

    Killing ANYONE is a tragedy!!!!!

    Not true. Killing INNOCENT people is a tragedy. Killing murderers, rapists, child molesters, abusive spouses, animal abusers; is not a tragedy.
    Are you saying you'd kill your neighbor if you saw him abuse his dog? Or a friends husband for punching his wife? I'm not saying they should be doing such evil things, but realistically what would you do? It's tragic that people would do the evil things you stated above, but one evil does not make killing someone the right thing to do.
    My only exception is kill, or be killed (defending yourself, or others from being killed in that instant).
    - Just my opinion & why I own guns:flowerforyou:

    Just wondering if you know anyone who has committed such a crime, and if you have killed them yet?
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Killing kids of any race is a tragedy.

    Killing ANYONE is a tragedy!!!!!

    Not true. Killing INNOCENT people is a tragedy. Killing murderers, rapists, child molesters, abusive spouses, animal abusers; is not a tragedy.

    Killing the bad people is a tragedy too. Everyone is a product of their genetics and their environment, there is no inherent evil. It is also a tragedy for the family of these perpetrators who had nothing to do with their crimes. I don't understand people who get satisfaction over the death of anyone. I remember when Bin Laden was killed I didn't jump for joy because we finally got revenge, I was saddened that things led down this path such that he needed to be killed.

    I'm sorry, but I literally just rolled my eyes at this comment.
    The world, unfortunately, is not a perfect place. And there are "bad people" running around. Putting them through state/province run therapy, or institutions is a waste of your and my money. The re constructive therapy is highly ineffective. Just kill the people, take them off the streets, and take them away from hurting other families and people, do not put them in a place where they are given "free" shelter, food and education - or hell, release them back into the general public and let real justice have some play. It's simple.

    And you would get satisfaction by doing this? I'm not disagreeing that they need to be put away for isolation or to deter others who might think about committing similar acts, but I just don't think hating and promoting more violence is the answer.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    What happened to Trayshon was terrible and it needs to stop. I don't understand why some people are so full of hate that they want to kill somebody based on their skin color. The same applies to racial profiling, the kid had skittles and a pop I believe. What was Zimmerman so afraid of? The kid didn't do anything, I hope Zimmerman gets an extensive prison sentence where he can discover just how painful his butt can feel.

    Trouble with that is, the police report, Zimmerman's injuries, AND a witness all agreed with his testimony that he, a 5'3" Hispanic guy on neighborhood watch, was punched and knocked to the ground by a 6'2" black teen in a hoodie. In his shoes I would have felt seriously endangered, too! He'd reported Martin as being suspicious, walking through a gated community where he didn't normally live. I can see why he'd have been concerned, and it would have been the right response to report it to police... where he went wrong was in following after he was told not to. The whole thing is a tragedy, to be sure, but I don't really think there was any racial motivation to the shooting. Neither one of them was white.

    But if they're going to make it a racial issue, then why is no one protesting on behalf of the white kid who was lit on fire, the two English guys who were shot and their pants stripped off, the young white couple who were brutalized and murdered, or the elderly white couple who were horribly murdered, all by black teens and young adults? I live in an area that is surprisingly multicultural considering its size, and the racism I see every day makes me sick. I would love to see everyone just accept each other, and am looking forward to the day when skin color doesn't matter anymore. But the kind of racism being shown by Sharpton and Jackon and even Pres Obama right now is not helping things, it's just making it all worse and dividing people around the world. :cry:

    Zimmerman is considered to be a WHITE hispanic as hispanics come in a rainbow of colors within their culture.

    If you watch the video of Zimmerman when he first arrived at the police station, there ARE NO INJURIES............AND Trayvon was found face down, indicating he was shot in the back - that is NOT self-defense.

    There have also been 2 witnesses that had TRIED to go to the Police and the Police never took their statements. HMMMMMMM, Police statements from the neighbors were not taken UNTIL they went to the media.

    I do firmly believe Zimmerman shot Trayvon to be VERY racially motivated as he said on the 911 tape "Effin Coons". It is plain to hear on the 911 recording.

    Now, the white kid that was lit on fire in Kansas City area.............The Police have not even been able to verify his story and the Police think he is lying. So, in essence, this white kid could be lying and the Police actually have a hunch that he set his own self on fire and is lying...................This could be racially motivated also on the white kids part and that is why it has not gotten any "national media" coverage. There is no need. If the mother keeps pushing the issue, she is going to land her own kid in juvenile hall.

    I don't know anything about the other 2 cases you mentioned.

    And what kind of racism is President Obama, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson displaying? Everyone keeps saying this isn't a black and white issue, but an everyone issue.

    However, in this case Race does play a significant role in what happened. Sad, but true.

    Anyone that can NOT own up to that and help fix the issue by acknowledging their own prejudices is part of the PROBLEM.

    Signed -

    A very involved white lady.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Except the surveillance video of Zimmerman AFTER the shooting show he has no injuries.

    No, the (very grainy, poor quality) video shows that his head wasn't completely bashed in. it is absolutely impossible to tell if he had bruises or cuts that had been cleaned off.

    I'm certainly not saying race wasn't a factor. But I am saying we *don't know* what happened yet. People on both sides are trying to manipulate this very sad case to suit their own agendas, and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by it. If Zimmerman did profile Trayvon Martin and shoot him simply for being black, then that's obviously a terrible thing. However, the case isn't as simple as we were first told. Zimmerman is not white, but Hispanic. This was not a "white community," but a racially mixed one. It was gated only in a very loose sense - there had apparently been eight home break-ins and several car break-ins in the past month or so. Trayvon Martin was currently on suspension from school after authorities found several pieces of women's jewelry and a screwdriver, which many use to break into cars, in his backpack. He was NOT the innocent little angel certain folks want us to believe he was. That said, none of that means he was up to no good that night, and none of that means he deserved to be shot to death. What it DOES mean, to me anyway, is that we should not rush to judgment and assume this case is as simple as "Zimmerman shot Martin because Martin was black." And I'm truly sickened by what has amounted to little more than calls to lynch Zimmerman because folks would love to believe the story really is that simple (i.e., the "bounty" for Zimmerman's "capture," Spike Lee tweeting his home address - which turned out to be the wrong address, etc.) Can we not just relax and let justice be done in court and stop pretending we know what happened that night? We don't.

    Exactly! I totally agree with this... when the story first came out I too rushed to judgement... but now that there are more and more things coming out... I realized I had rushed to judgement... It's so easy to rush to judgement when something is so emotionally charged such as this... I also agree with the notion that racism knows no race.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Racial profiling most certainly exists and it's absolutely disgusting. I work in civil litigation, and it pisses me the hell off - we try like hell to nail them for it, but public opinion is easily swayed by biased media renderings. Cops are supposed to be the good guys and these boys they murder must be gangsters, thugs, dealers, etc. Trayvon, and many others, lost - and will lose - their lives for no reason but the color of their skin.

    My sons are white. They're young now, but when they are teens they will be able to walk down the street wearing a hoodie and not fear for their lives. I bet they could even be busted experimenting with smoking weed in an empty lot and not fear for their lives as they run home [to get the *kitten* whooping of the century, of course]. Skin color shouldn't matter.
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    Zimmerman is considered to be a WHITE hispanic as hispanics come in a rainbow of colors within their culture.

    While that may be true, before this incident when have you ever heard the national media refer to a Hispanic as a white Hispanic or a black Hispanic or an asian Hispanic? Examples please....

    And if logic follows, the President should then be referred to as a white African American. Ever hear that?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I don't really think there was any racial motivation to the shooting. Neither one of them was white.

    Apparently, all racially motivated crimes are perpetrated by white people.

    Cause' they're all racists.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Let me sum it up for you people...........this is what happens when a Wanna-be Gangzta and a Wanna-be cop encounter each other in the night...nothing good comes out of this scenario.

    Im sure you all have seen the pictures of Trayvon in full gangzta mode (from his now inactive twitter) with gold teeth etc.......

    I eint pickin sides

    Im I a 'white hispanic" like Zimmerman!?!?!?!?!? nahhh Ima an "Awesomely tanned Hispanic" :bigsmile:
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Except the surveillance video of Zimmerman AFTER the shooting show he has no injuries.
    And I hear the 911 tppe of the operator telling Zimmerman NOT to follow Trayshon. Then he shoots him.

    ^^^ This
    ^^^I third that^^^ wth? Perhaps they need to screen his hearing?
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member

    Im I a 'white hispanic" like Zimmerman!?!?!?!?!? nahhh Ima an "Awesomely tanned Hispanic" :bigsmile:

    Personally, I call my self a whitexican, or Frenchican, but my blond haired, blue eyed(&some green eyed) relatives in Mexico call themselves weto. But technically my ancestors are from France & Scotland, and settled in Mexico, and added some of that Indian blood in the mix. :bigsmile:
  • antoniosmooth
    antoniosmooth Posts: 299 Member
    Being one of two sons of a now retired L.A.P.D. officer our father trained us on what to do if we were ever "detained" my a police officer.

    1. Raise Hands out to side
    2. Turn your backside to the officer with your arms raised
    3. Loudly say "I'm reaching in my back pocket for my wallet".
    4. Retrieve wallet with other hand still raised
    5. Once wallet is retrieved raise arms parallel to ground slowly
    6. Turn around slowly.

    He knew being a police officer how a young black male is viewed, treated, and thought of. Sad way to live but unfortunately it is a factor is our culture.