I think I was a little bit snappy?

Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
I was at work yesterday and we had a function thing which had delicious brownies. I had 2-3 (and yes I logged them). One of my coworkers who is very tall and very slim said "What # is that for you" - as she had eaten a few too and I replied. One of our other coworkers who is just starting a new diet replied "I hope you both gain weight". I couldn't stop myself - I replied "I've only just lost 10kg I certainly hope I don't gain any weight" "I think it's all about moderation".

Anyway my coworker was quite nice about it asking how I'd done it etc etc so that was nice and I tried to give some encouraging words about it all being possible. But I did feel a little bit guilty about the "blowing my own horn" thing.

My other thought on reflection was that she put me in the same basket as the tall/slim/attractive girl so maybe I'm getting closer to where I want to be? As I don't think someone would say "I hope you gain weight" to a person who was overweight?
