new on board

jenlyn1470 Posts: 7
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I am 37 yrs old getting married in May 2008. I have been having a hard time losing weight. My mother was 5'0" and weight 200 lbs the last time that I saw her when I was 15 yrs old. I have my mothers body frame at her age with curves. I have a back problem, so I can't do sit ups and I have done crunches but nothing seems to help. I am on Herbal Hormone pill for menpause that I take one in the morning and one at night, plus I take one unthyroid pill (I have no thyroid).
The reason I started this today is make my self feel good about myself.
I weight 128-130 lbs. I would love to weight 118-122 lbs.
My wedding dress is a little tight. But I am afraid if I do any weight trianing I won't fit in my dress in May 2008. I have no motivation once I get home. So I would love suggestions from anyone.


  • I am 37 yrs old getting married in May 2008. I have been having a hard time losing weight. My mother was 5'0" and weight 200 lbs the last time that I saw her when I was 15 yrs old. I have my mothers body frame at her age with curves. I have a back problem, so I can't do sit ups and I have done crunches but nothing seems to help. I am on Herbal Hormone pill for menpause that I take one in the morning and one at night, plus I take one unthyroid pill (I have no thyroid).
    The reason I started this today is make my self feel good about myself.
    I weight 128-130 lbs. I would love to weight 118-122 lbs.
    My wedding dress is a little tight. But I am afraid if I do any weight trianing I won't fit in my dress in May 2008. I have no motivation once I get home. So I would love suggestions from anyone.
  • :flowerforyou: I just signed on and I am not taking hrt right now but have a total hyster. I am losing weight to feel better and let my teens know health and fit go together. I would love to be a diet buddy.
  • Congratulation on your upcoming wedding. The best inspiration I can give you well and take care of yourself so that you can live a long, happy, healthy, active life with the one you love. AND....keep trying cause you wanna look good for your wedding, AND your wedding night!:wink:
  • Welcome,
    I'm 42, and although I've been active my whole life, and never had a weight problem, I'm suddenly gaining alot around my mid section. I've gained 17 lbs in the past 6 months!! I'm in the process of having my thyroid and hormone levels checked but I'm very frustrated. I work out for an hour a day, watch my diet...and am still gaining!!

    I just got married last October too. Congrats to you!
  • CTop73
    CTop73 Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats Jenlyn on your wedding! I just got married in Sept 07. I also noticed you are in the military. Me too. I am trying to lose around 21 lbs just to get back in shape and avoid the same thing you are fearing. The fear of genetics!! haha I just signed up and I am hoping this will help me figure out where I go wrong with eating. If you need a diet buddy, drop me a line! Good luck with the Wedding!! :happy:
  • Yes, I need a diet bubby. I don't know where to start. I have 1200 Calories to use in one day and I have 943 left for the day. How do you space out the calories? Then if you work out it takes off the calories you ate earlier in the day. My problem is that I get bored after a while and I just do enugh to pass my APFT lately.. Where did you get married? Where are you from? I have everything ready all most for the wedding and ideas to finish off the reception after we come back from our wedding in Jamaica. I just didn't realize the dj's can be so expensive. I would like to lose 10 to 15 lbs and keep it off. My real mother hasd a lot of issues and I guess I am getting them as I get older. What does I diet buddy do?
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Congrats and welcome aboard!
  • I understand how you feel. I never had any problems before until this last year and half.. I keep gaining weight no matter what I eat or don't eat. I know that I am harder on myself than anyone else. Last year I wasn't feeling good still feeling tired. i had an ultra sound and it showed that I had no thyroid at all. Plus I am going through the signs of menopause because of an early hysterecotmy.
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    You don't have to eat to your calculated calorie intake indicated on the site - these are guidelines. If you don't feel hungry then don't eat to the limit. I would suspect that over time you will eventually be eating to the recommended level as your body starts to adjust and lose the weight.

    You will also find that more calories are added to your daily intake when you start entering your exercises into the program and you don't have to eat to that level either unless you're feeling hungry during the day.

    don't starve yourself but don't feel like you have to eat every calorie allotted.

    Welcome aboard!
  • What is the sense of the calorie intake guideline? I thought you had to eat all the calories they daid. Plus I notice when you exercise it takes off the calories you just ate.

    I need to do some exervises to help on abd, hips, and thigh areas. I can't work to much on my upper part because I fit tight in my wedding dress now.
  • CTop73
    CTop73 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi again, you said you were looking for exercises other than the normal boring PT ones which we all know. By the way I am up in Maryland and I am full time national guard. I was active duty for 9 yrs then decided that was enough.

    Ok so the exercises. I just signed up to this website and it is the best website I have seen. You have to pay for it but so far its worth every penny. Once you fill out your profile and background info they design a workout for you. They give you different circuits to do and to do one right, it took almost 45 minutes. I did it last night and when I finished I was sweating like crazy. The good thing is you can do these in your home (for the most part) because they require very little equipment. Just the basic things.

    What I did for a good work out last night was run a fast mile to warm up then did the circuit and then stretched and cooled down. It was a great workout that was very different that the normal boring routine.:bigsmile:

    When I said diet buddy it was just to keep in touch and try to motivate each other with new ideas and ways to help keep each other on track.
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