PLEASE look at my diary!!!

Ok I lost to my goal weight (145) last year after I had my son, but I gained it back. During the time I gained my weight back my doctor told me my thyroid function was low and wanted to prescribe thyroid medication for me. I am trying to naturally boost my thyroid function instead of taking the medication because I'm only 26 and I don't want to be reliant on a pill for the rest of my life. I should clarify...I have extremely low thyroid function but I don't have hypothyroidism. I'm 5'8 and right now I weigh 158. I hve 13 lbs to go and in the last month I have lost only 1.2 lbs. Please look at my diary and tell me what I am doing wrong. It should be open to the public. Most of my sugar and carbs come from fruit and vegetables but am I eating too much fruit?? I workout 6 days a week very intensely. Right now I'm doing insanity the asylum plus I often do some extra cardio. I dont understand why I can't lose weight when I'm working out so hard and logging everything!!!


  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    From what I can see, you are not eating enough.
    You have an average 800 calorie deficit each day, and are not eating back your exercise calories.
  • Jillian52
    Jillian52 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't have an HRM do I really don't know how many calories I actually burn. I use the MFP calorie burns and I think they over estimate. I don't want to eat back calories of I'm not sure how many I am actually burning. I was eating 1200 and recently upped to 1500
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    You might not know exactly how much you burned, but you could be pretty safe with half. I always enter a fraction of what I do because I'm pretty sure the burn is high on the tracker.
  • _Dan_
    _Dan_ Posts: 55 Member
    I don't know... it looks like you're pretty on with the 1500 ish calories a day. You could try bumping it up a little closer to your goal for the day. MFP adds all that stuff up so you don't have to think about it. Your sugars tend to run over. You might want to watch starchy stuff like fruits and potatoes. Fruits are important, but there's still such a thing as too much. Your proteins look great, and your sodium is about normal. You do good with the carbs too, just make sure the carbs are complex, not simple.

    Some times your body can get in a rut with exercise too... but I thought the Insanity stuff should have kept it from doing that. Try throwing some strength training in, muscle burns fat :-)

    If you do have a thyroid issue, remember it may just be harder to shed weight too... you look like you're doing decent though. I'm not a nutritionist or a dr., but I would say try bumping up the calories a few hundred, substituting some fruits for a veggie(non-starchy) or two and add some weights in the mix to see where that gets you...