Hi everyone :)

Hi everyone! I'm just finally getting around to introducing myself...

I've been 215 lbs for almost 4 years, beginning around the time when my daughter was 6 months old. I have only recently found the motivation to make the necessary changes in my life, but the stress that has been my constant companion since 2007 makes weightloss very difficult. Hopefully the major source of stress in my life will disappear for good in the next few months...

I started my weightloss journey with WeightWatchers, before Thanksgiving 2011, weighing in at 215 pounds. I quit last month because I never had time for the meetings and the monthly pass was too expensive for my extremely limited budget. I was introduced to MFP by some ladies at work and I think MFP is helping me more than WW ever did.

I'm down almost 15 lbs and my ultimate weight goal is 150-160 lbs, but I'm open to re-evaluate if my doctor thinks I need to change that goal. I just started New Leaf Metabolic training last week and so far I like the program... :flowerforyou:

I'm married. I really hope to have more children, but I will not go through another pregnancy that puts my child at risk because I was too heavy to begin with. :bigsmile:


  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    You are doing great! I agree MFP has helped me more than any other program has. I really feel like I am being held accountable. It is almost fun tracking everything on the website or app, much better than writing everything down!
  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    Never heard of New Leaf Metabolic training. I will have to check it out. thanks :)
  • Deza85
    Deza85 Posts: 10
    I did it through the local YMCA: There are two tests, resting and exercise, where they measure the amount of oxygen you breathe in and the carbon dioxide you exhale to determine your RMR as well as how hard you need to work to burn the maximum amount of fat calories.

    Example: My RMR is 1727 + very light lifestyle = 2245 for total daily calories burned.
    So to lose 1 pound per week, I need to reduce my daily calories by 500 (so 1745 daily calories)

    For exercise I burn the maximum amount of fat (vs carbs) when my heart rate is between 121 and 131, so my 12 week program is geared towards raising the HR where I burn more fat than carbs. This is what my exercise zones look like.

    Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4
    Low HR 121 131 149 168
    High HR 131 149 168 171
    Fat Kcal/Min 3.5 2.6 1.7 0.7
    Total Kcal/Min 6.3 7.4 9.3 11.2