Is Quaker's Instant Oatmeal bad for you?



  • Save money and buy it in bulk! I can get two huge bags full for only 4 dollars at Fred Meyer or Central Market (anywhere that has bulk bins). Then you can customize it however you want! It's great and economical. And then you can use your nice containers in the pantry instead of awkward shaped tubs or bags.
  • fit4evaR
    fit4evaR Posts: 9 Member
    i like the rolled oats or steel cut oats too - plus you can cook a batch on the weekend and heat it up with a little extra water during the week so its just as fast as instant!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I'm lazy and wont make regular... but the active lifestle brand is made with splenda and has some good flavors. I love them.... they even have a little protein in them!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Just curious: what is the difference between rolled oats (which I am familiar with and eat regular), and steel cut oats (which I have never seen or even heard of before coming to MFP)?
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    You can do so many things with plain oatmeal! And don't get stuck thinking oatmeal has to be sweet. I just discovered savory oatmeal. I actually just had this for lunch: Oatmeal with sauteed onions, red peppers, turkey sausage, and cheese, topped with an over easy egg.

  • NewImprovedMrsCoates
    NewImprovedMrsCoates Posts: 38 Member
    I have never been a huge fan of oatmeal.... until I found all of the Better Oats brands. They are so tasty and cheaper than other instant oatmeals. There are lots of great varieties and flavors to choose from. I personally love the Mmm... Muffins Blueberry Muffin or the OatFit has 100 Calories and has a tasty Cinnamon Roll flavor. I have tried tons of these and haven't found a single one that I didn't love!
  • I have started eating oatmeal everyday, for 2 reasons.... it stays in your belly longer than most breakfast items, & to incorporate whole grains in my diet as I HATE whole grain pasta/bread etc. I buy the store brand quick oats which cook in 1 min oopposed to 5 for the regular stuff. The best way to eat oatmeal is the "plain" stuff and add berries or some kind of fruit to natually sweeten it. I have raspberries at the moment. I eat that for breakfast and it gives me energy & keeps me satisfied til lunch time. To answer your question, it depends on what kind of diet your on, if youre on a low carb diet than oatmeal is no good! Good luck with your diet!
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Just curious: what is the difference between rolled oats (which I am familiar with and eat regular), and steel cut oats (which I have never seen or even heard of before coming to MFP)?

    The way they are cut and the level of processing. Steel cut oats are simply oats cut into small pieces. Rolled oats are steamed and rolled flat and cook more quickly. Both are the whole grain and nutritionally equivalent by weight, according to the USDA.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    i like the rolled oats or steel cut oats too - plus you can cook a batch on the weekend and heat it up with a little extra water during the week so its just as fast as instant!
    I also much prefer Steel Cut Oats, I buy them in bulk and they are $.79 a lb. They are far less processed than the other methods of oats (other than groats) and that's the way I prefer my food, the less processed the better.

    I cook Steel Cut oats in my Crockpot overnight and divide it up into individual containers and have oatmeal for days!! What I don't store in the fridge I freeze. As someone shared there are so many things that can be added for flavor if you don't enjoy it plain.

    Cooking it Crockpot style is about the easiest way to cook oats IMO. Dried fruit can be added in the cooking or you can add everything just before you eat it.

    Check out the Crockpot Thread that's currently up for Overnight Cooking ideas or let me know if you're interested in how to do it. SOoooooo easy!:wink:
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    You can do so many things with plain oatmeal! And don't get stuck thinking oatmeal has to be sweet. I just discovered savory oatmeal. I actually just had this for lunch: Oatmeal with sauteed onions, red peppers, turkey sausage, and cheese, topped with an over easy egg.

    Before coming to MFP, I never would have even considered that people would do savoury oatmeal. I made something similar to this for breakfast this morning, and it was actually probably one of the best bowls of oatmeal I ever had. I did the non-instant oats, put just a small dash of unsweetened soy milk in (less than 1/4 cup), a whole serving of mozza cheese, salt, pepper, and basil. I stirred it up, then put a poached egg with a runny yolk on top. Oh my goodness! My new favourite breakfast!!
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I dont buy the packets anymore, but I buy the drum. And I have now gone to buying one instant, and one old fashioned and mixing them in 50/50 proportion. They can still be cooked instantly (I just add 208 degree water from my hot water pot). Then I either add: real maple syrup, smuckers all fruit spread, natural peanut butter, or dark brown sugar with cinnamon. Maple syrup is still my favorite.

    When I mix it with peanut butter, I make it extra watery. Might not sound appealing but it is very tasty if you like peanuts.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Just curious: what is the difference between rolled oats (which I am familiar with and eat regular), and steel cut oats (which I have never seen or even heard of before coming to MFP)?

    The way they are cut and the level of processing. Steel cut oats are simply oats cut into small pieces. Rolled oats are steamed and rolled flat and cook more quickly. Both are the whole grain and nutritionally equivalent by weight, according to the USDA.

    Aha! Thanks for that!
  • Get_Me_Fit
    Get_Me_Fit Posts: 42 Member
    They are high in sugar. Personally, i find they are far far too small a portion size!

    I eat one packet, i'm still hungry. I eat three, i feel miserable for eating more than what is regarded as a portion! I really hope i'm not the only one who thinks this!

    They're too small for me too! I usually have to have at least two or three to feel full. That's why I like just getting plain old fashioned oatmeal. Half a cup is a decent portion, plus you can add other things and its better and healthier than the tiny packets.

    They are too small for me also! I hate the darn things. But they're so good.....
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    You can do so many things with plain oatmeal! And don't get stuck thinking oatmeal has to be sweet. I just discovered savory oatmeal. I actually just had this for lunch: Oatmeal with sauteed onions, red peppers, turkey sausage, and cheese, topped with an over easy egg.

    Before coming to MFP, I never would have even considered that people would do savoury oatmeal. I made something similar to this for breakfast this morning, and it was actually probably one of the best bowls of oatmeal I ever had. I did the non-instant oats, put just a small dash of unsweetened soy milk in (less than 1/4 cup), a whole serving of mozza cheese, salt, pepper, and basil. I stirred it up, then put a poached egg with a runny yolk on top. Oh my goodness! My new favourite breakfast!!

    I wonder where you got that idea. Hmm..... *looks over at the "What do your meals look like?" thread* :wink:
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    You can do so many things with plain oatmeal! And don't get stuck thinking oatmeal has to be sweet. I just discovered savory oatmeal. I actually just had this for lunch: Oatmeal with sauteed onions, red peppers, turkey sausage, and cheese, topped with an over easy egg.

    Before coming to MFP, I never would have even considered that people would do savoury oatmeal. I made something similar to this for breakfast this morning, and it was actually probably one of the best bowls of oatmeal I ever had. I did the non-instant oats, put just a small dash of unsweetened soy milk in (less than 1/4 cup), a whole serving of mozza cheese, salt, pepper, and basil. I stirred it up, then put a poached egg with a runny yolk on top. Oh my goodness! My new favourite breakfast!!

    I wonder where you got that idea. Hmm..... *looks over at the "What do your meals look like?" thread* :wink:

    Haha! :) That is totally where I got the cheese, salt, pepper, and basil idea. And then someone mentioned the egg with the gooey yolk. I was pleasantly surprised at how well all those simple flavours went together since I was raised on sweet oatmeal alone.