Road to 5K Series

Hey there everyone! I would like to welcome everyone to My Fitness Pal!! I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about myself. I am 26 years old and tired of being referred to as morbid! So I am trying to change that! I document my journey on YouTube. It started as a weekly vlog and now I have recently changed to a daily vlog. I have good days and bad and I am open and honest about everything that is going on with me in terms of the diet exercise and any other things that may be going on at the time. My most recent goal is to train for a 5K walk and I have deemed this as my Road to 5K series, here is a link to it (just copy and paste it): I have been told that it is very motivating and encouraging. Somedays I get a little boring in my opinion but that is okay, it's my vlog. I would love it if you all would check it out! You are also more than welcome to add me as a friend on here if you are in need of more motivation or would like to watch my progress!

Good luck on your goals, whatever they may be! :D