Hello :D

djwatt Posts: 13 Member
Hi, my name is Johnny and I would like to add and make friends on here with other like minded people for mutual support.

At my heaviest over a year ago I was 21 stone (294) so I have lost quite a bit of weight and my waiste size has gone from 44" to 34" which is great because now I can buy cheap jeans off the peg at Tesco (Wal-Mart in US).

I now want to lose 2 stone (28lbs) or more from my current weight of 13 stone 2 lbs (186lbs) and then *kitten* my look at that point. Hopefully that will be enough to lose my fat belly and thunder thighs :)

I want to get the male model summer catalogue look and I also want to break into a new career in music entertainment.

So my goal is to be able to stand in the mirror full-monty in-the-buff style and love what I see, instead of falling into the usual self-loathing trap.

Also, if I could meet some local peeps in a similar boat on here to go jogging / gym / cycling / Mountain biking with that would be freakin' awesome!

I live in Whitchurch, England, UK near Winchester city.