The weeks you did right, but did not lose

So this week I did not lose. But in total I have lost 14 pounds. You feel like you lost the battle this week, but I refuse to give up and I will continue to stick with it. How do you guys stay motivated when you did everything "right" but the scale was "wrong"


  • kyt1206
    kyt1206 Posts: 101
    I expect plateau weeks, as long as I'm within my monthly goal/average monthly loss, I think it's fine. It's not even a lost battle, as long as I don't increase my average loss per month.
  • cansnchloe
    cansnchloe Posts: 55 Member
    It's all in the pipes :) that is my motto. This is a long, hard and sometimes very slow process and if you keep at it, the results will follow. It is hard to not get discouraged though, I feel you!
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
    She's got the right idea, go by monthly total. This way if you have a plateau for a week it may not effect your overall total for the month. I weigh in throughout the month but I only log my weight on the 1st of every month. Good Luck
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    I don't discourage myself or change my drive to eat and workout properly because usually within a week - 1 week and half I see a pretty good drop in pounds!!! keep pushing!!

  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I used to get very discouraged and figure "why bother" and give up. I would use this as an excuse to get lazy again and eat a bunch of crap. Now I know it will happen due to water retention, and if I have a hard work out I already know I will show a gain of a pound due to the inflammation in my muscles. I found a motivating quote that has become my mantra and posted it on my mirror in BIG letters: I AM MY ONLY OBSTACLE, THE REST IS JUST EXCUSES. I had to grow up and take responsibility for my mood, attitude, and choices every minute of every day. It's a hard, long process but living healthy is what I need to do for the rest of my life, not just until I reach my goal weight. good luck!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I keep a spreadsheet and have made myself a little graph (very geeky I know!) which shows each weeks loss and then an average. I like the visual reminder that its all still going downwards. And I just keep going - I know that the weeks where I dont move, or have a little movement on the scale are often (in my experience) followed up by a great one the week after!
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    I've just had a week like that, loads of walking, plenty of lean protein and steamed veggies, extra water yet no weight loss. I'm sure it will come right next week but it is frustrating. I keep motivated by looking at photos from when I was 35lb heavier and by picturing what 35lb of fat actually looks like in real terms (a massive stack of lard).
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Sometimes I just chalk it up to gaining muscle mass, especially on weeks when I weight train more. I've lost 43, but the lbs. are becoming stubborn now. My tried and true methods that ALWAYS lost me weight, don't always work anymore. I've now tempered my expectations to 1 lb. per week rather than 2+.

    If you feel you've hit a plateau, here are some ways to get out of it, listen to audio clip 2 or go down far enough and you can read it:
  • 1822Kim
    1822Kim Posts: 4
    I've been going 6 weeks now (not massively overweight but would like to loose about 20-28 pounds). Lost 13lb in the first three weeks which was a real boost and then nothing (treated myself to a few lapses at weekends) but generally been really good and been to the gym 3-4 times every week. Was beginning to feel a bit dispondent but low and behold managed to loose another 2lb this week and taken me below 1 stone mark. So I would say keep it in there bet in a couple of week time you are shedding again x good luck
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I increased my exercise at the begining of March with reasonable food. I had 3 weeks of no weight loss and even gained 4 lbs in the first week. I knew I was happy with how I was trying to lose my weight. This week I dropped 4 lbs. My goal is 0.5-1 lbs / week.

    I'm trying to gauge my success on meeting my goals like exercise, veggies, and protein level.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    sometimes you need a calorie boost.. a free day.. eat over your calories and let your metabolism pick up some forward momentum.. sure you may gain a temp pound or 2 but you will lose that in a day or 2 plus some more.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    It is only a lost battle if you give up.

    I have been at a plateau for two weeks. The closer we get to our goal the harder we have to work for it.
    No excuses! You can do it! Stick with eating right and exercises and you'll achieve your goals!
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    This is why they suggest for you to measure yourself and not just look at the scale. So you see progress even when the scale says there is none.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    if you are stuck for a onger period of time.. your body is stuck at a (set weight) from what i understand you wil gain and lose 2-5 lbs around the same weight for weeks.. in this case you need to chage your diet and or your workouts. set weight is only good if you want to maintain your current weight
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    The numbers on the scale are only part of the equation. While we all like to see those numbers drop, there are other ways to see your progress. Did you take any starting measurements? If not, it's not too late to do it. Until the last two months, I averaged 10 lb losses each month, but it has started slowing down. But the inches lost are still adding up.
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    I am a geek - same as brook I keep a spreadsheet and graph not just weight loss but my measurements and fat % etc .... Even on weeks when the scale hasn't moved something has changed for the better.
  • sblack91
    sblack91 Posts: 27
    I'm having this problem right now... I was losing about 0.5-1lb/week until last week when I gained. So I upped my exercise, running about 12miles per week, and was extra-diligent with calories (eating them back but not going over), and I haven't lost any weight or inches!

    Does anyone know why this would be? Or what I should do?
    Its tough when you feel like you're working really hard but not seeing results!
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    It is only a lost battle if you give up.

    I have been at a plateau for two weeks. The closer we get to our goal the harder we have to work for it.
    No excuses! You can do it! Stick with eating right and exercises and you'll achieve your goals!

    I agree, now that im 8 lbs away from my goal i find it alot harder to drop a pound...
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Just went through a one month plateau where I lost and gained the same dang 4 pounds of water. Finally today all that plus a little more is gone because a week and a half ago I upped my calories ever so slightly and my exercise!
  • imaginaryplaces
    imaginaryplaces Posts: 123 Member
    I keep a spreadsheet and have made myself a little graph (very geeky I know!) which shows each weeks loss and then an average. I like the visual reminder that its all still going downwards. And I just keep going - I know that the weeks where I dont move, or have a little movement on the scale are often (in my experience) followed up by a great one the week after!

    Me too! I've lost 20 lbs since Jan. 1, but it has been in spurts. I have gone as long as 10 days with no loss and/or a slight gain. Then, suddenly 1.5 lbs drops off the scale. The speadsheet (and especially the graph) reminds me to not panic and stay the course.