Easy Lunches



  • yarn_nerd
    yarn_nerd Posts: 26
    I plan to make something on Sunday that I can have throughout the week. It's either something that will reheat well, or something that doesn't need to be heated. For example here are some recipes I've made in the last few months:

    Curried Brown Rice Salad (this week's lunch)
    A BIG garden salad (then I pack whole grain crackers and a piece of fruit to go with it)
    Veggie Maki!! (complete with pickled ginger, wasabi, and Braggs Amino Acids (or soy sauce)
    Bean salads (there are a million out there)
    Dobu Jorim (Korean soy-braised tofu which can be eaten cold or warm) served with kimchi and rice
    veggie lasagna

    when in doubt, my "OMG I forgot to plan my lunch" options are PB&J with a banana, carrots/hummus, or leftovers.

    Hope this helps