Thread about Something - Part 38



  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Morning :yawn:

    How's everyone doing? ya feeling today? hopefully better

    Had a LONG day yesterday...took the kids solo to our niece's 2nd b-day party, then after the party wound up taking 6 kids solo to the park (walked from my SIL house...had my kids, nieces and threw in 2 neighborhood kids for good measure)
    I got a zillion 'are they all you're kids' comments and 'what was I thinking' comments....very funny
    Long but nice day....

    What does everyone have planned today?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    My Saturday Night in the ER!!! UGH!!!!

    OK, remind me to listen to my instincts. I rarely panic over an illness that J.T. gets. I might be worried, have him sleep in my room and call the on-call just for a heads up if something is of concern but even that is rare.So we called when J.T. had the 103.7 fever. He has never had one that high. So they ask "Is he lethargic and weak??"....and I said "Well yes...he has a high fever...that makes you lethargic and weak" :indifferent:

    BUT, I guess those are the magic words...and she said "Take him to the ER!"

    Mmmmkayyy! So we did!:huh:

    Got to the ER around 8:30 pm. PACKED with people. Some wearing masks!
    By the time the triage nurse brought us in around 9:30 to get our info, his fever was down to the Tylenol we gave him at 7:30 was working.

    Then, around Midnight, STILL sitting in the ER waiting room, J.T. feels cool and is resting comfortably! I ask Pete to talk to the triage nurse to see if it's necessary to stay...she goes and talks to a doc who looks at J.T's chart and says "Yes, he shoud be seen".....and she says we will get in within the hour.

    1:15 rolls around..we are brought into the ER and the male nurse says "Hey, you're got a room!" :grumble: So we put J.T. in the bed to rest...and wait.

    In the meantime, a woman is brought in by the cops (a junkie)....and she either right next door or out in the hall...and we hear "Nooo, you idiot...I took ONE pill!!...I am not on anything....LET ME SEE A DOCTOR!! STOP THAT. I don't want you three men standing around to see me strip....get a doctor!!!!! NO, don't tie me down....I have PTSD you want to kill me???? NO NO NOOOOOOOO!! AHHHHHH!!!!!"

    J.T. is laying there in the bed, his big eyes looking around all worried!! :frown:

    I almost went to take care of her myself!! :angry: But they sedated her and she shaddddupppp!!!!

    THEN, a doc comes in after 2:00....looks at J.T. and says "It's a virus...there is something going around" Yes, exactly!!!!!!!! :ohwell: :drinker:

    So, we got home around 3:00. :yawn: J.T. is FINE!!! :glasses:

    I know this is all precaution because of "Swine Flu" but for crying out loud!!! My instincts weren't telling me it was serious.

    I know it's better to be safe than sorry, especially with a small child....SHRUG!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    So, my plan is to do a whole lot of NOTHING today!! :wink: :tongue:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    So, my plan is to do a whole lot of NOTHING today!! :wink: :tongue:

    Ohhh Tam!
    Well at least he's OK and you can all stay home and rest today
    *KNOCK on wood* we haven't been to the ER with either kid (yet...)
    The kids have had high fevers and I have been on the fence at times.....what's worked for us is alternating tylenol and motrin every few hours

    Hope you're little guy feels better!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks Kim! I think he's OK! :happy:

    It's going to be a long day though. I wanted to get to the gym....and get him to a park playing. Not sure that's going to happen! It's SO nice out though! We will see!! :ohwell:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Morning :yawn:

    How's everyone doing? ya feeling today? hopefully better

    Had a LONG day yesterday...took the kids solo to our niece's 2nd b-day party, then after the party wound up taking 6 kids solo to the park (walked from my SIL house...had my kids, nieces and threw in 2 neighborhood kids for good measure)
    I got a zillion 'are they all you're kids' comments and 'what was I thinking' comments....very funny
    Long but nice day....

    What does everyone have planned today?
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Morning :yawn:

    How's everyone doing? ya feeling today? hopefully better

    Had a LONG day yesterday...took the kids solo to our niece's 2nd b-day party, then after the party wound up taking 6 kids solo to the park (walked from my SIL house...had my kids, nieces and threw in 2 neighborhood kids for good measure)
    I got a zillion 'are they all you're kids' comments and 'what was I thinking' comments....very funny
    Long but nice day....

    What does everyone have planned today?

    Sick all weekend, had to use Compazine to stop the vomiting! its sunday I have slept most of the day.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Morning :yawn:

    How's everyone doing? ya feeling today? hopefully better

    Had a LONG day yesterday...took the kids solo to our niece's 2nd b-day party, then after the party wound up taking 6 kids solo to the park (walked from my SIL house...had my kids, nieces and threw in 2 neighborhood kids for good measure)
    I got a zillion 'are they all you're kids' comments and 'what was I thinking' comments....very funny
    Long but nice day....

    What does everyone have planned today?

    Sick all weekend, had to use Compazine to stop the vomiting! its sunday I have slept most of the day.

    Howdy, or morning all..whatever floats your boat

    Oh man
    I hope today is a better one for you
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    Have you ever been to a Broadway show?

    I have been to several. Wicked is one of my favs
  • Tiff_09
    Tiff_09 Posts: 5,627 Member

    Have you ever been to a Broadway show?

    I have been to several. Wicked is one of my favs

    Nope I sure haven't. But I know I would love it!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Have you ever been to a Broadway show?

    I have been to several. Wicked is one of my favs

    Yup, maybe about 10
    I haven't been to any in a LONG's not my fav thing to do
    It may be ubber corny but one of my favs is still Phantom (the first play I ever saw)
    I also liked Kiss of the Spiderwoman (oldie)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    West Side Story has come back. I'd like to see that one!
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378
    I have never been to a show. I don't know if we even have stuff like that around here!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    better this morning thanks kimber.

    Two for me broadway shows that is, Evita and Hair! showing my age! Liked both of them!
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378
    Oh, and good morning ya'll!
    So Kim, I saw you have spoken to Max on the phone, eh? How'd did that go!?
    Tam, I hate when my girls get a fever, I always wonder, should I, or shouldn't I bring em in!? Like you, I've always trusted my gut! Hope he's feeling better!
    Bearma, I hope your feeling better too!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Oh, and good morning ya'll!
    So Kim, I saw you have spoken to Max on the phone, eh? How'd did that go!?
    Tam, I hate when my girls get a fever, I always wonder, should I, or shouldn't I bring em in!? Like you, I've always trusted my gut! Hope he's feeling better!
    Bearma, I hope your feeling better too!

    finally got to eat last nite! rough week end tho!
  • GraceKelly
    GraceKelly Posts: 7,378
    thats sucks! Did you get to travel to the shower with your quilt?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Oh, and good morning ya'll!
    So Kim, I saw you have spoken to Max on the phone, eh? How'd did that go!?
    Tam, I hate when my girls get a fever, I always wonder, should I, or shouldn't I bring em in!? Like you, I've always trusted my gut! Hope he's feeling better!
    Bearma, I hope your feeling better too!
    He is doing much better! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    thats sucks! Did you get to travel to the shower with your quilt?

    Yeah, puked 5 times while I was there, but I was there!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

