Need all the help I can get!

I need all the support I can get! I have found that I respond better if I have someone to help me. I can report to a website and see my progress, but if I do not have someone that will push me (almost like someone I have to answer to) than I tend to fall of my weight loss goals. I just need someone who is willing to motivate me and give me a little push when time get hard or unmotivating.

I am 36 (almost 37) I have two little girls and I am trying to lose 30 pounds, I have given up trying to lose 30 pounds in 3 months and came to the realization that it may take longer - which is why i need a little motivation. Thanks to any one, i advance, who responds and requests to be my friend to help me out now and then!


  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 36 and looking to lose about 30 pounds, too. I like having someone to be accountable to as well. Welcome and good luck! Friend me if you'd like!