Toning before reaching goal weight?

What toning exercises do people do while still losing weight?

I work mainly on my middle section as I want to keep my skin as tight as I can while losing weight

I'm currently at 158lbs and I am aiming to be between 130-140lbs by July, have lost 17lbs in just over 2 and a half months so far. I am 5ft3" if that is any help at all

Can anyone give me advice on good exercises to do that will help tone my body while losing weight?

Basically aiming to feel extra confident to wear a bikini for the first time ever (I am 24 years old) in July when I hit the beach (if the English weather is good enough of course!)


  • Hey! Congrats on the weight loss! thats amazing 17 pounds in 2.5 months. I started power 90 30 days ago and find it amazing for toning and loosing weight! its only 30 mins a day for 6 days a week and it will help you with your whole body! its an amazing program. Hope that helps!
  • Thank you so much! I shall definitely check that out :)