Does my profile pic make me look mean?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Mean? No. It looks like you might be reading the "Basic math.. Who knows it?" thread.

    You know how many messages I get saying my profile pic freaks them out?

    What does it say about me that your pic turns me on?

    That your clown fetish is getting out of hand?

    I think I look pissed in my pic. I think the OP looks somewhat perplexed and disgusted in his, but not mean.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not mean. Maybe like you are concentrating on something....
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Nope. I think your pic is saying where the hell did I get that lamp from.
  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    Mean? Not at all. Your brow is knit like you're thinking hard, but not at all mean. I like the pic you cropped from the one with two sons better . . . even though the background is a little washed out. And the long-haired rocker one rocks, although it doesn't look very recent!

    True, rocker pic is from circa 1991 with my band Killers of Death or KOD.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member

    Does my profile pic make me look sane?
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    your handsome, but you look confused!!!
  • stephstar15
    stephstar15 Posts: 125

    What does it say about me that your pic turns me on?

    It says that you are thinking the same thing as me. And that we might be perverts.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Mean? Not at all. Your brow is knit like you're thinking hard, but not at all mean. I like the pic you cropped from the one with two sons better . . . even though the background is a little washed out. And the long-haired rocker one rocks, although it doesn't look very recent!

    True, rocker pic is from circa 1991 with my band Killers of Death or KOD.

    Man I wish my rocker pictures survived.

    You look like your buddy just came over, plopped down a laptop and said. Hey, want to watch this great video I found on the internet, it's called 'the human centipede'. That is what I imagine your face looks like as you figure out how the heck to react.

    Maybe I'm over thinking it.
  • clockworkkarly
    not mean! maybe bewildered. hahaha.
  • babytmarie27
    I think you just look serious about getting in shape and taking care of your body :smile:
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member

    Does my profile pic make me look sane?

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    Not at all! It's a good picture
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    You look like you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and are trying to think of a way out of it!!!
  • Jd1360
    Jd1360 Posts: 170 Member
    I'd say worried or confused. I'm about to take a shot of alcohol in mine, so I think you're good. LOL
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    You look like a laid back bloke pal :)
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    More perplexed than mean... I'd go with the second pic or the one of you and your boys! They are much nicer! :happy:
  • lovinbeinold
    Is that a recent picture of you? I ask, because there's no way you look 45 in that picture. I think it's a cute picture and you're a cute guy in all your pictures. I like it. I also like the ones where you look more relaxed. Is that your wife in one? She's pretty as well.

    So, do whatever makes you comfortable. BUT, you are right to ask about the expression. Although you are quite handsome, the expression is far more important than your looks.

    This is true, one of the most "attractivet" guys I ever knew when I was younger was a man with a horribly distorted head from elephant man disease. He resembled the character with it in the movie Mask (that had Cher and Sam Elliott.) This friend of mine had the single best attitude of anyone I knew at that moment in time. He was smart, had a grand sense of humor. He had compassion.

    Upon very first seeing him, it was startling. But very, very soon he set people at ease. Everyone loved him.

    If I only had two choices, either a handsome man with a self-involved attitude, or a man with a grotesquely misshapen, enlarged head and lumps all over his body, but with a loving attitude like my old friend, I'd take the guy like my old friend.

    I did happen to marry a man I think is handsome, but I didn't marry him for his looks, but for his gentleness, kindness, intelligence, values, humor, compassion and all that good stuff. It'll be 40 years this year.

    Point is, attitude attitude attitude. Who gives a rats behind about looks in the grand scheme of things.
  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    Mean? Not at all. Your brow is knit like you're thinking hard, but not at all mean. I like the pic you cropped from the one with two sons better . . . even though the background is a little washed out. And the long-haired rocker one rocks, although it doesn't look very recent!

    True, rocker pic is from circa 1991 with my band Killers of Death or KOD.

    Man I wish my rocker pictures survived.

    You look like your buddy just came over, plopped down a laptop and said. Hey, want to watch this great video I found on the internet, it's called 'the human centipede'. That is what I imagine your face looks like as you figure out how the heck to react.

    Maybe I'm over thinking it.

  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    You are a handsome man. You just look like you're serious about something. I have pics I feel the same way about that is why I change my pic often.