New to the program



  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    I have added you, thank you!
    Sandra :)
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Welcome and GOOD LUCK! Its seems you will do great with the attitude you have! Also what were the sizes of those large mouths? Very nice catch!
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Princess same,
    Thank you, i have added you!
    Sandra :)
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks, i try to keep a positive attitude with everything. I didn't weigh them...the largest measured 19 inches...didn't measure the 2nd one.....last month..out of that same lake i caught a 17 inch and and 18 inch!
    Sandra :)
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    I was addicted to fast foods at one point...never ate anything that was actually considered healthy so I know all about that. Its real hard to change it and without counting I probably was on at least a 5000 cal a day eating plan...joining this made me realize how not good that is. Now I eat much better, my calories have taken a major cut and I still feel fulfilled and satisfied..who da thunk it lol..i'm glad..welcome to mfp...its definitely a great choice
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member

    I was shocked at the amount of calories in fast food as well. I sat down and wrote out a list of fast food i eat regulary (i always order the same foods)...for one meal:
    Mcdonalds : 1480
    Chick fil A: 950
    Taco Bell:1360
    and restaurants even worse because we always ordered at least one..if not two appetizers before dinner...some type of soup..our meal and sometimes a dessert (if my daughter was with us).
    Horrifying, especially if we ate out for two or three chips and dip at home with a movie!
    I am glad you have learned to eat better! I am definitely going to make better food choices and pack my lunches!
    Sandra :)
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    I found for me that I have to plan out the grocery store trips lol..they take me longer because I have to look at labels and what they have in there other then just "they taste good"...its working now and i'm very habitual but at the same time..its good to change it up every once in a while with a high..maybe even over calorie day cause normally I don't come anywhere near my goal..but I do hope you get it going and have much success on the journey :)
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Thank you....i am going to start planning my trips by looking up the calories online before i go shopping!!! Wishing you success as well!
    Sandra :)