Hollow Days...

Panem Posts: 6 Member
What do you do when no matter what you eat, you never get full.
It's not good, I want to eat everything I have in my kitchen, but obviously I can't.

Any advice?


  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    Try eating a big salad or if you have been good this week give yourself a cheat meal and eat something really satisfying. Do you have a favorite meal? I love Mexican food and I like to have that for my cheat meal.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Days like that, I really focus on protein and it seems to help.
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,301 Member
    Oh, how I can empathize. Probably have that "trying to eat your emotions" thing that lurks in me every once in awhile. Sometimes it helps to remind myself that no amount of food will fill that "emptiness" that you're feeling. Or if you're overwhelmed because things are out of control in other areas of your life, reminding yourself that food won't fix it. Just makes you feel worse. Knowing that in my head doesn't always help me to back away from treats/overfeeding episodes. It's like food is a drug, sometime. The best to you in your efforts!!!! We're not going to let this get the best of us!!! :noway:
  • shelmac
    shelmac Posts: 82 Member
    Lots and lots of water for me, it does help x
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Before every meal and every snack, I drink a huge glass of water. It slows me down while I'm eating and really does make me feel fuller a lot faster. I used to never feel full ever, no matter what.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    So.... I am a "volume eater" which is why I have such a problem maintaining wieght. I figure that it is not a good idea to try to go against my nature. So I still eat large volumes of food, I just eat nothing but healthy stuff.

    When I feel the need to stuff my face I made an entire bag of frozen veggies with some salsa or a low calorie soup. I will eat two of three big bowls of that. The cool thing is, even if i eat the entire bag it is like 200 calories - with the soup - it is lilke 400-500 tops. Plus it is lots of really need nutrients, protien and fiber.

    If really want to eat - eat, but eat healthy.

    Do not, what ever you do, fill up on "diet" food. Don't eat artifically low calorie, fat or fake sugar things. They just make you more hungry and fill your body with chemicals that it has no idea what to do with.

    I have lost over 60 pounds in 90 days! I am hitting every nutrient recomendation - enough fiber, protien, good fats, calcium, iron, vitamins, etc.

    I am eating, nuts, seeds, veggies galor, beans, lean meats, low fat organic dairy and it really, really works - and I feel great.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    You might just be bored. Try doing some activity to get your mind off of food.
  • krewela
    krewela Posts: 20
    There are days when I feel the need/urge to "graze"..usually at or near menses of course; I feel like my stomach is the Grand Canyon on those days!

    Sometimes the answer is to simply power through. I tell myself that a hunger pang is a sign that my body is burning calories, and I let it be there. Other times, I try to find filling but lo-cal options to at least curb the beast. Popcorn is an excellent choice in this situation...it's crunchy, tastes good, fills you up, and has little calories.

    In all, it's just another step in your journey, and you will need to listen to yourself and find which path is right for you. =)

    Good luck!
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    Tea, either fruit or peppermint. If you're eating a low fat diet, I've also hat luck with eating something with a decent amount of healthy fat. Sometimes I unknowingly crave fat, and no amount of other foods will still the horrible hunger. Eating the cottage cheese or regular cheese or a piece of salmon or a whole egg or some fat containing greek yogurt or some avocado or some nuts often works wonders.
  • Panem
    Panem Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone, I will take on board what you have all said.
    The thing is, I usually always full, even when I don't meet my calorie goal, it's just today for some reason.

    And having to do uni work, when I would usually surround myself with bottles of energy drink and crisps, I haven't done that. I am only eating fruit to snack on at the moment, but nothing seems to fill the hunger.

    I think lots of water is definitely on the cards, (I just hope I don't need a wee too often (:)

    Thanks again <3
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Did you have a heavy/long workout yesterday?
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    warm drinks like tea help me!!
  • dmouse0225
    dmouse0225 Posts: 104
    I have those days... my problem is what I choose to eat on those days too. My suggestion is to avoid snack foods (which is what I tend to go for, and am NEVER satisfied). I agree with adding protein and maybe lots of leafy greens (baby spinach... yum). Or carrots/hummus, celery/peanut butter. Pretty much a low cal vegetable and protein combo. Now I am hungry...
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    I would say get out of the house. I have those days all the time and I usually forget when I'm with friends or doing errands. go to the mall and just walk around :) as long as you're getting enough to eat, try to take your mind off your tummy.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Days like that are the worst. My advice is to get out of the house di something away from food, shop, work on your yard, go for a drive anything to keep busy and for me after a couple hours of being busy it passes
  • What do you do when no matter what you eat, you never get full.
    It's not good, I want to eat everything I have in my kitchen, but obviously I can't.

    Any advice?

    I don't have any remarkable advice that's different. Usually I just drink looots of water and if I can try to get physically active since that usually functions as an appetite suppressant for me.