Food is a Powerful Drug that you must over come.

As of the first of the year i've decided to become a better me. I'm in law enforcment as a reserve and I do security as my job.
All i ever get done is eating well. My wife has lost a lot of weight from going to a Doctor and I'm so very proud of her for her..
But I Know if I stick with it, I can Do it! I'm sick of being over weight.. But My Most fav thing in the world is food..
I have 2 Family members that own Food joints around the area and that makes it 100 times harder to lose..
So the company I work for has 2 gyms at work and i have 14 days off a month. So I said , This is it! I started Going before work about a hour and working out. Since they have a shower next to the gym I've been working out harder and making my self sweat.
I see sweat as weight loss. Also been sticking to a salad w little dressing. and watching my cal with mfp.
Finding more food with veggies. But I will tell you this. I talked to a swat commander of one of the surrounding counties, and he gave me the best advice of all.. Walk for 1 hour at a mod pace. and watch you sat fat intake.. It has seamed to really help me in my trial.
For motivation. I like to hear people say that I can't do something because it motivates me to do it.. Use what ever you have.. Maybe its that your sick of filling like crap cause your tired and lazy.. When you start to work out and burn fat you will see and fill a change in you ability to get out and do more..


    WIT2LOSE Posts: 4
    I have lost 70 pounds in less than a year. It will be a year at the end of May. Shed the fat! It is a huge burden. I didn't realize how difficult I made my life by staying over weight. It was hell. I sweated a lot. Was tired. And clothes didn't fit good. I watch my cals, my fat, my sat fat, my carbs and my SALT. When I started watching my salt it required that I eat healthier. A lot of diet food is high in salt. I lost 10 pounds quickly just by reducing my sodium to 1500 mg a day. They say weight loss is 60 percent food, 40 percent exercise. Stick with it. You won't regret it. Good luck