Opinions on Zumba Plzzz



    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    I totally love Zumba! I started in feb 2012 and I have dropped a pant size. I can see my face and body shape up nicely. I totally addicted. I plan to move my days up to 5 days a week instead of 3 days. I go to a studio near my house. I love doing it with a lot of people. It's so inspiring. I have all my family and friends going with me. Monday nite Zumba is family nite and with are going to start a Tuesday nite at a different studio near our home. but please keep at it. I love Zumba!
    LANIECE1 Posts: 78 Member
    Well my cousin bought the wii version, but she now does the classes she says it's more motivating, but the DVD is good to have when you can't get to a class, I'm thinking about investing in one.
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    I dont think we even have a class near me...I wish we did bc id definately go check it out..In the Zumba 2 Wii game it has a 7 day free pass for a class and id go and try it out for free to see if i liked it if it were one close by
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    What do "BUMP" mean ?
  • bfbooty
    bfbooty Posts: 189 Member
    i have the dvd's just recently got and i usually do one if i'm looking for something less intense or add it in at the end of a workout i find i still sweat and get a good workout though but just seems to be a bit easier to do
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    Bump brings the topic back up to the top of the message board because someone new has commented on it so it doesn't become old where no one comments anymore and becomes lost in the old messages.

    Okay I just did Zumba 2 on Wii for the first time. I would have to say that it is similar to a class. If you want to find a class go to www.zumba.com they hold classes in churches. I grew up in a town of 3,000 people and they have a church that they hold zumba classes in so it is every where it doesn't have to be at a 24 hour fitness.

    Pros: to Zumba Wii 2 I think it might be a tad bit faster, I did midlevel and I feel liked I worked harder on the Wii version than I did in class so I wonder if class is a tad slower to work with all levels of excerise levels because some songs are high impact, some mid level and some are low so you get a mix. I got mid level all the way through so I was sweating my *kitten* off.

    I can do it anytime and in the privacy of my own home.

    Cost. I pay the one time fee and waa la I have it always.

    Music and dance steps are same as what you have in class.

    Still fun and I enjoy it

    I am still going to burn tons of calories just like the class

    Cons: to Zumba Wii 2 Class is much for motivational. There is just some sort of spirit or euphoria that surrounds the people in Zumba, it is like going to a club and dancing the night away.

    I am afraid I might eventually grow tired of the music but it will probably take a year or at least 6 months to do so. They mix it up more in class and use songs you hear more.
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    I have not tried zumba yet, but I have a friend from college who has now become a zumba instructor after loosing 75 lbs with it. If you have facebook you can check out her class page for her before and after photos, it'scalled Zumba With Lea.
  • gracie2586
    gracie2586 Posts: 69 Member
    I have the zumba for wii it is kinda hard to follow but after the 20 minute class I'm sweating and i figure as long as I'm moving for 20 minutes thats good right lol?
  • Jennie522
    Jennie522 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Zumba myself. A friend of mine has been going for years and trying to get me to go (she goes to 3 different instructors and gave me the low down on each of them - each one has a different style). I tend to be motivated more in a class environment, and I like to dance. With Zumba, it's pretty easy to lower or raise the intensity, so for me, I think it's a great workout. If you don't like to dance, it might not be for you. Try a few classes, like others have suggested. If you still don't like it, keep trying other exercises and workouts until you find something you like. Exercise can be fun! And if it's fun, you will do it more often. Good luck!
  • atauds
    atauds Posts: 41
    I just started taking Zumba classes a month ago and I absolutely love it! I have a great instructor, she doesn't care if you aren't coordinated or can't dance (that's me!), she just cares that you're moving! She will teach simple steps at first and before you know it you'll be movin and groovin! I use a heart rate monitor (HRM) and I find you burn LOTs of calories. In exactly 1 hour of the class I burned a total of 433 calories! It's made a big difference, according to my HRM my fat burn has increasingly improved. I also find that I have more energy for volleyball and other cardo activities.