2541 calories banked!



  • dododo123
    dododo123 Posts: 105 Member
    I thought everyone actually had a day in the week where they enjoyed a high calorie food.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I thought everyone actually had a day in the week where they enjoyed a high calorie food.

    I think a lot of people do.

    This is my first full week of tracking my calories (food and exercise). I think I'm going to eat more of my calories each day. But, I know I will want to save some because there will be days when I won't be able to exercise. Have had unusually dry weather lately, and that's about to end.

    Ordinarily, I think I could burn about 500 calories a day if I make an effort to make the time.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Well, I didn't eat all of the banked calories, but I ate most of them. I feel a little funny about it.
    Other than a piece of carrot cake and sugary coffee in the afternoon, I felt like I ate fairly normal meals, today. But, I still ate much more than I normally would.

    I don't know how many calories were in my cake, but I picked "Costa Coffee" because I've seen/had that, before, and I know what I had wasn't more than that. Eating non-branded food not prepared at home is tricky that way... it's hard to know what you're really getting.

    And, the cake did make me feel a bit sick. It was delicious, but I crashed not long after and my mood was bad.

    I didn't mean to have so many calories left over yesterday, BTW. I'd originally intended to hike 10 miles to a village, eating a picnic along the way, and then having a snack at the end, while waiting for the bus to take me back where I'd started. When I arrived, the village shop was shut. I didn't feel like sitting around for 2 hours on a bench, and I felt great, so I just walked back. That meant I had double the exercise and less food that I'd intended.

    I don't think I'll have a weekend like this, again.

    I do want to save some calories for Sunday indulgences, but I think I should eat most of my exercise calories on the day. That should keep my energy levels at a more even keel.

    I'm also really interested in seeing how my mood and energy levels are without so much sugar. I may end up giving up sugar except for rare occasions.