April: Weight Watchers Diet Plan

Hi Everyone!

A friend of mine is having amazing success on Weight Watchers. It's been her go-to diet after having both of her children or whenever her weights goes up, and her results have been amazing. So I've decided for the month of April, I'm going to track my food the way they do on Weight Watchers ... with points.

I was able to find everything I need for the plan online. It sounds pretty simple.

To calculate how many points I can have in a day:

To calculate how many points are in the foods that I eat:

This site was useful for general info:

Apparently one of the big changes to the program is that fruits and vegetables now have 0 points.

I feel I'm well equipped with all the information I need. If there's anyone out there who's currently on Weight Watchers, or wants to try it like I do, reply to this topic and I'll start a group.

I'm excited! It's always good to shake things up.


  • AngelPam
    AngelPam Posts: 2
    You were very helpful by supplying all the links. I'm going to look at them in a minute.Thanks!
    I was on WW a few years back and did well on it.
    I went back to eating junk and gained a lot of weight over the last several years.
    I was just thinking of digging out my old WW point chart when I saw your message and decided to read it.
    Again thank you!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I also had success with Weight Watchers, but just a word of caution to help you avoid the pitfalls that prevented long-term success.

    I wanted to each as much as possible for the points allowed. Therefore, instead of eating sensibly, I cut a lot of fat, ate too little protein, and made myself miserable. Try and make sure you're getting enough fat and protein.

    Good luck!
  • torresl27
    torresl27 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the great info... I'm starting tomorrow but officially on Monday. maybe we can check with each other a few times a week that would really help me. (Working fulltime and going to school planning meals is a challenge).
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im actually doing the opposite. Im a weight watchers member currently, and Im logging my information on MFP to compare.:)
    I had lost 102 pounds on WW prior to getting married 5 years ago, and two children later, I am trying to get rid of what I gained during those pregnancies. WW does work and I am proof of it.

    I wanted to try logging in MFP as another way to help me view my points. Ive always been able to track well and eat well, but the weight losses were stalling. Tracking on MFP has helped me to see that I wasn't eating enough. Meaning, I was eating my daily points allowance, but I hardly ever dipped into my Weekly Points or my activity points, and was thereby starving myself. SO by logging into both systems, I have been able to find the happy medium that "forces" me to eat more, by tracking on here, and then transferring the information back to WW. I have found in the last few weeks doing this, I am eating more of my WP and hopefully the weight is starting to come off the way it should be.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    My wife is a WW member, and while we have worked MFP together, she is having great success there, while I am doing well here. I understand how easy the points system is, I just like to tinker a bit more.
    I wish I could convert some of those good recipes into MFP more easily!
    Good luck to you!
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
  • yokumt
    yokumt Posts: 4
    I have tried Weight Watchers in the past and have lost weight with that program. I have been on MFP for approx. 2 months. I feel that MFP is much easier to track and I like it so much better. And I am loosing weight with great success. I feel that I have taken control of what to eat by keeping track of calories. I would have never done this without this website. They just make it so easy. I did not feel satisfied on WW program. It felt like my body was missing something. I have never felt that way on MFP.
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    I would love to join the April WW Challenge but I need more information..
  • I currently log WW and MFP. I lost around 20 pounds on WW but I definitely like the community on MFP better. It is kind of a pain logging food in both on a daily basis but I am going to continue to do both until I figure which one is better. There is definitely more food choices on MFP and you can make a really detailed analysis of everything you are eating. Good luck everyone on their journey.
  • kbugsmeemaw
    kbugsmeemaw Posts: 107 Member
  • Thanks for posting! I've never done WW, but I've seen people get results with it.. I've not lost in months and months, and I'd be willing to give it a try!
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Thanks for this post!! I'm down to try it! I just found an app on my phone to use where I don't even need to sign up for the actual Weight Watchers....but I can still track points and log everything. Pretty awesome. I am going to start on Sunday! Is there a group for this yet?
  • I'm currently a WW member. I'm going to try to do both WW and MFP for a month to see which I like better. I did well in the beginning, but I tended to lax with WW, so I'm going to see if MFP will help me pick up the pace. I like that fruit and vegetables are 0pts and that you get weekly points, but I wonder if this is my downfall. We'll see...
  • Do you mind sharing the app? I'd be interested in checking it out.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Are you guys doing the old points system or points plus?
  • mabennett
    mabennett Posts: 53
    app info please:)
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    Im currently a ww lifetime member. i love the program and now its free as long as i stay within 2 pounds of my goal.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    In regards to apps I use wwdiary by can of sleep for android. It's free. For iphone theres iwatchr.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member