drinking too much water?

renee22 Posts: 33
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
i know this is possible....but could it be hindering my weight loss?

i drink about 128 oz of water throughout the day because i am THIRSTY!!!!

....work out at least 60 min (most days over 120mins) & drink during the workout (small sips here & there)

am i drinking too much water? how much water do other ppl drink?


  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I've heard two formulas for figuring the minimum amount of water you should drink. One is your weight in pounts times .5 to equal the number of ounces you should drink. The second is your weight in pounts times .66 to equal the number of ounces you should drink. I believe the second is if you live in a hot climate or work out a lot because your body dehydrates more easily under those conditions.

    I doubt you are drinking too much. You may actually be drinking too little especially since you are working out a lot. If you're thirsty, drink. Your body is just telling you what it needs. Ignoring it is more likely to cause problems.

    I generally drink about a gallon or more of water a day but that's only because I enjoy it.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    It is possible to drink too much water, but it is also difficult to do.

    If you drinking around a gallon a day, I would say that isn't too much and it is not hindering weight loss.

    Working out as much as you do, it sounds like the only thing (unless you have a medical conditions) that could be hindering you weight loss would be your diet
  • Shadeablue
    Shadeablue Posts: 8 Member
    No sure if there is such a thing as drinking too much water. If you think something may be hindering your weight loss, think about what kind of exercise you are getting in. Strength training vs. Cardio. You may be gaining muscle (if you are doing more strength training), and losing inches. Cardio always helps to shed the pounds...at least I know it does for me. :wink:

    :heart: Londa
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I drink the following...

    On a None work out day - x3 750ml bottles of water + 3 mugs of Lemon and Lime Herbal drink Cup of normal tea with a dash of milk
    Workout day - x4 750ml bottles of water + 3 of the above Herbal drinks and Cup of tea with dash of milk in the morning

    Katherine :heart:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    You can drink to much water, but likely you're not. Drinking WAY to much water will dilute the sodium and thin your blood, not delivering the proper oxygen to your body. But you have to drink A LOT of water for that to happen.

    Drink away!!!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    it is possible to drink too much. but, as said before, you would know it, because it is hard to do.
    my DH was drinking eight 44oz glasses a day (352oz)! and all his joints swelled up and he was feeling miserable. so he checked with the doc and they said- WHOA! too much water!!

    128 ounces isn't too extreme, so your losses are being hindered by something else.
  • ndiamond
    ndiamond Posts: 37 Member
    Have you checked with the doc that you don't have diabetes? My friend has diabetes and she told me excessive thirst is usually one of the most noticable symptoms.

    I drink around 64 - 96 oz a day and I feel right in the zone. That doesn't include any unsweetened ice tea or hot tea i have at night.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    As long as you are going to bathroom and flushing it out you are fine. There was a lady that died doing a contest to see who drinks the most water. It was for a radio station I believe. The problem was the whole time they stood there drinking the water (a long time) she did not go to the bathroom to release some of it from her body.
  • renee22
    renee22 Posts: 33
    every time i go to the doc (maybe 1-2x/yr) they check for diabetes b/c i always tell them how much i drink....

    should i just assume that if i'm thirsty, it's my body's way of telling me to drink more?
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I would look into the medical part of it a little more, not because you're drinking too much, but because you're always thirsty. And only count the actual water, not the tea. :wink: Make sure they run some blood tests and do a prick test to check your blood sugar, among other things. There are several things I can think of that start out that way... and catching it now would mean those things are easily treatable.

    Also, make sure you're not retaining water somewhere, that your body is flushing this out. If you are not voiding as much as you are taking in, then that's a concern. If it seems like you're voiding it all, then that's good.

    ETA it looks like you may not have a lot to lose, and so you could be retaining water a bit while your body is getting used to the extra water, and then it will go away in a few weeks.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I drink anywhere from 80-128 oz depending on if I am working out as well... it may be a little more if the workout is a long one so no worries about it hindering your weight loss.
    All I drink is water really cause pop bloats my stomach causing me to eat less cause I feel so full and I really can't afford to go down in my food intake. That and I have a real problem with drinking my calories... I want to eat them :)
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