Under calorie, still feel like a pig

Why is it that I came in under my calories today, but I still feel liked ate too much today?

I think I am getting a bit frustrated in general... I haven't lost an ounce this week, but I feel like I should have lost something. I tend to lose a bunch one week each month, the I slow downto nothing for like 2 weeks.

I am happy to be maintaining, but I would love to be losing even a fe w ounces each week!


  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    We all have times like these.

    I lose like that too, sounds like a lot of people do. As for the perceived overeating, I feel like this on the weekends sometimes, I tend to eat a little more since I'm way more active than I would be if I was sitting at my desk at work. It's so easy to get down, we want instant gratification! But you've seen some success already! Just stick to the plan, sounds like you are doing that already. WTG!