Hi, I'm Pierre from Indonesia journey from 105kg to 75kg

Hi guys, my name is Pierre, I'm from Indonesia, and I am 26 years old

My weight was 105kg on the beginning of 2011 (January 2011 to be precise)
Then i started controlling my nutrition intake and exercising on October 2011, motivated by the fact i was dumped by my girlfriend, LoL.

Okay i at first i couldn't even run on a treadmill,, I started my program at a weight of 98kg, :D
I exercised and dieting, and helped by Ultra Ripped Supplement by Ultimate Nutrition and lost about 10kg, but then i reached a plateau.

Then i started using MyFitnessPal to have even more control on my diet. Having 1300 cals a day took me out of the plateau, and now I'm on the weight of 79.9kg.. 5kg away from my target..

Wish me good luck, guys! Thank you so much! Nice meeting you all