Weigh ins...digital scales

So I have one of those digital scales...the ones that measure your weight by decimal points...example: 125.8 lbs...what on earth is .8 of a pound...like sometimes I see myself losing .6 of a pound or whatever...what does that really mean, in ounces...are those number literally 1.6 oz = .1 of a pound? which is 16 divided by 10...any thoughts...


  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    yes that's correct. those are tenths of a pound, which don't translate very well into ounces but it gives a more accurate measurement.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    You're right. 0.8 is 8/10ths of a pound or 12.8 ounces, 0.6 os 6/10ths of a pound or 9.6 ounces. 0.4 = 6.4 ounces, 0.2 is 3.2 ounces.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    You're right. 0.8 is 8/10ths of a pound or 12.8 ounces, 0.6 os 6/10ths of a pound or 9.6 ounces. 0.4 = 6.4 ounces, 0.2 is 3.2 ounces.

    I was kinda wondering my self. Glad you asked =)

    Thanks for doing the math Caleigh, math has never been a strength for me, haha
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    My scale is the same. For a while my scale was cutting up and giving me error messages. I finally got sick of it and went and bought one of those plain round dial scales. I also found a new battery for the digital. Now we like the digital more than the others. In general,,,,,, in general,,, I pretty much ignore the decimal amount. If it says 168.7. I don't even concern myself with the .7. I get excited if it said 166.9. To me that is a pound. I figure it all evens out in the long run. DISCLAIMER--- THE WEIGHTS YOU SEE HERE ARE AN EXAMPLE ONLY AND NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. LOL.