Stretches for flexible people???

emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
I have just been for a run and was googling shin stretches as I am prone to "shin splints." Which led me to wonder, if you are quite flexible (as I am) are the stretches as effective? For example one has you sit on your feet and lean back, the other is lying on one side and bringing the top foot back towards the butt. I can't feel a stretch in either and often have that issue with stretches. Does flexibility make stretches less effective?


  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    The one I do for my shins is to sit on my feet, then bring my knees up- it's kind of an ankle/shin stretch, but you're pressing your rounded, pointed feet to the ground and your legs are going up perpendicular to the floor, and if you can, you press your hips to the ceiling. All of this is done with your hands behind you.

    If you're so flexible you can't feel that one, you should contort! :)

    And yeah. Most stretches I have to take to another level, and I'm not even -that- flexy.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    also, the ones you mentioned were both quad stretches that I can't imagine anyone would get a decent shin stretch out of.. If you want a good quad stretch (not sure if they help with shin splints, I don't get them), sit in pidgeon pose and then reach behind you and bring the foot to the butt. I always liked that one.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    I'm prone to shin splints and run on a regular basis so I try my best to stretch daily - like the above poster noted, those stretches you mention are quad stretches ...

    Try these ones here, too:

    Ditto for pigeon pose - which is a fantastic hip flexor stretch, too! :)