Soda Challenge.

I had decided a few weeks ago to stop drinking soda all together.
My norm is Diet Dr Pepper.
I have been very good and only drink. (In order of amount highest to lowest.)
Green Tea
Coffee, 2 cups every morning.
Wine (red or white and only 1/2 a cup with dinner maybe twice a week)
and Milk and then only with cereal.
With today being Mardi gras and the last day to indulge before lent.
I decided to have a Diet Dr Pepper.
HUGE MISTAKE! I can not believe that I used to DRINK THIS VILE NASTY STUFF! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: One sip and I had to toss it out.
Now I know that there are some of you that think you can not go one day without your soda. Let alone give it up for the 6 weeks of Lent. But I tell you. After only 2 weeks I NO LONGER crave this stuff.
Well I did until that first sip.
So this is where the challenge comes in. IF YOU ARE UP FOR IT. Try giving it up for a week, Then next Wednesday at the same time we are doing the weigh in for Biggest Loser MFP lets see if you noticed the same thing that I did. I AM ONLY ASKING FOR A WEEK AND A FEW BRAVE PEOPLE :wink: :laugh:


  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I had decided a few weeks ago to stop drinking soda all together.
    My norm is Diet Dr Pepper.
    I have been very good and only drink. (In order of amount highest to lowest.)
    Green Tea
    Coffee, 2 cups every morning.
    Wine (red or white and only 1/2 a cup with dinner maybe twice a week)
    and Milk and then only with cereal.
    With today being Mardi gras and the last day to indulge before lent.
    I decided to have a Diet Dr Pepper.
    HUGE MISTAKE! I can not believe that I used to DRINK THIS VILE NASTY STUFF! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: One sip and I had to toss it out.
    Now I know that there are some of you that think you can not go one day without your soda. Let alone give it up for the 6 weeks of Lent. But I tell you. After only 2 weeks I NO LONGER crave this stuff.
    Well I did until that first sip.
    So this is where the challenge comes in. IF YOU ARE UP FOR IT. Try giving it up for a week, Then next Wednesday at the same time we are doing the weigh in for Biggest Loser MFP lets see if you noticed the same thing that I did. I AM ONLY ASKING FOR A WEEK AND A FEW BRAVE PEOPLE :wink: :laugh:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Way to go Diann.
    I have never been a soda drinker, but I have given up iced tea, tea java and coffee:sad: :cry: :sad: :cry:
    I have taken a liking to green tea. I like it hot and cold.
    Good luck to you Diann.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Is that just for your detox? or all together?
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I have never been a big soda drinker. I can buy a 12oz can of diet coke, open it at 8am and still have half left at 8pm. It makes me even thirstier. I love my unsweet tea. I am trying really hard not to drink so much of that but I just love the taste. I bought 2 cases of bottled water and yesterday I didn't drink any tea when I got home. I got a tea from Subway at lunch time but threw it out and drank water. So I am really trying.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Is that just for your detox? or all together?

    Detox, but I am going to continue after.
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    AGH!!! I use to be a huge pepsi fan (probably still am ), but I have just switched to diet Dr. Pepper as it is the only diet soda that I can handle. So can't give that up quite yet.....Good luck
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Good for you
    I used to drink 2 regular cans of soda everyday...
    After I gave it up for a few weeks, i couldn't even sip soda w/ out feeling sick....felt the same way you did

    I drink water, 2 cups of decaf-unsweetened green tea...and maybe one vitamin water or propel every other day
    It doesn't bother me anymore to skip soda or regular ice -tea and it's been about 4 weeks now

  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Okay I am going to do this... I think I may cry though:cry: I haven't been without soda for more than a few days since I was about 10 yrs old. I have always wanted to give up this habit but couldn't bring myself to do it. I only have been drinking diet soda for the last few months but this is a very hard habit to give up. I crave soda. So here goes nothing. I"m starting right now. no last soda or nothing... I will post tommorow although I may be pulling out my hair by then:smile:
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I drink Dt Mt Dew....i think was easier to quit smoking than it will be to give up my soda (even though i know how bad it is for me)......I will give it up for a week.....
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Just an FYI, if you all want to start Wednesday that is fine. It would be the 1st day of Lent.
    I had a hard time with it too at first, but it got easier when I discovered that YOU CAN ADD THINGS TO WATER! IE Fruit. Oranges and Lemons.
    Peaches add a nice flavor to water too.
    Then there is the tea thing.
    And juice that I make myself.
    An orance in the blender is a great drink when you get home from work. :bigsmile:
    And for cafine I still drink my coffee in the AM. I am not saying give up all caffine, just soda, and only a week, not all of lent. :smile:
  • jlruhlman
    I am a junk food addict, especially CHOCOLATE addict...... and a MAJOR diet pepsi addict. I dont know if I could do it now that I am dieting....... I feel like that is my one thing I let myself indulge in...... I have recently quit smoking (except when i party with my friends......) also. Once I get used to the healthy eating all the time maybe I can give up diet pepsi. As of right now..... I think I would have a nervous break down and eat alot of junk.... or smoke.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I like my Diet Cherry Coke quite a bit but generally only have maybe 2 a week. A 12 pack lasts me a long time! :) I'll do your challenge, but can't promise that I'll give it up. Now and then the sweet bubbles are just what I need to get me going.