Looking to return lost flexibility!

I used to dance in high school, and thyerefore was very flexible. However, that is definitely a thing of the past. I was looking for some help in bringing back my flexibility. I usually hear people say "Just do yoga" but it is not that simple. I tried yoga once, but found I was much too impatient/fidgety and quickly gave up. Any stretch suggestions for the poor/impatient people to regain bendy-ness?


  • mfanyafujo
    mfanyafujo Posts: 232 Member
    Well, I'm sure you are pretty familiar with different stretches from your dancing days, so I won't describe any (kinda hard to do anyways). What I have done is picked out a quick routine of stretches that get all of the major muscles and make sure to stretch after every workout. This doesn't take long, maybe 5-10 minutes. This maintains flexibility. Then, once or twice a week, I do a longer stretching routine, maybe 30 minutes, actually focusing on pushing my muscles and getting more flexible. If you want to get more flexible, you do need to work on it every day, but for just a short time.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I do yoga but only once a week because that is all my schedule allows. At night I sit on the floor and do stretches as I watch TV. To stretch out my hips I will sit with my legs crossed (indian style) and lean forward. My head touches the floor now. Then I will sit with my legs apart and lean forward, another good hip and hamstring stretch. then sit with your leg together outstretched and lean forward. this will get your hamstrings. I look up stretches on the internet for the specific body part I want to stretch and try them out. This is the best way I have found to get flexible. It does take time and won't happen over night.