NSV - Call me names...

In the last couple of week's I've been called a fitness fanatic, sports freak and other similar names. People think they are being funny and sometime insulting....I take it as a compliment!

This morning I got told I had "taken one for the team" as I got back from a relaxed 45km bike ride after a night on the grog! The team - the girls from my future daughter-in-law's hen's party, were nursing serious hangovers while I had been out enjoying the fresh air and burning off some of the damage from last night.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    LOL my family is convinced that I'm insane and refer to me as a health nut and a jock (something I was never accused of in my youth!). You're right......take it as a compliment (who knows, you may inspire someone else to make positive changes in their life).