Really Upset. Suggestions?



  • mattybrown17
    Thanks everybody for all of your suggestions. You've all been very, very helpful and I've come out of here with some tips that I'll use for the rest of my weight loss. Thanks a million!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Chances are, you're gaining muscle -- which is good. Don't get too wrapped around the axles about that number on the scale; being fit is way more important.
  • penroseg
    penroseg Posts: 53 Member
    Anytime I have changed anything about my routine, whether it be start weights, running, cycling, etc, I have a small gain, then a drop. Usually I gain 2-3 lbs over a few days, then over the next few days, I drop the gained lbs, and a couple more. Stick with it! :happy:
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    I sent you a full email, but don't freak out over one pound. I would eat a little less on the calories, but eat better choices of food so do you don't feel hungry. Cut back on the biscuits and pizza. This is straight carbs and sugar. You could probably be losing more weight if you made better choices. You are within your stats, but adding more green vegetables will make a difference. Ironically, my blog discusses this. I would continue to exercise a few times per week, and keep the calories at 1700. Try this for a week, and continue to watch your weight. Make sure you weigh yourself in the mornings when you wake up, using the same scale, with little to no clothes or at least with the same thing on.
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    Great feedback here. I also use an excercycle, mine has a built in hrm and mfp sometimes grossly (but always to some degree) overesimates the cals burned by comparison. I generallly burn 230-280 per half hr.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Muscle glycogen and the repairing, remodeling of muscle will do this.
    I tend to weigh about 3lbs-5lbs more the day after a work out.
    The important thing to do here is throw the scale away because it will drive you crazy and buy fat calipers from GNC for like....$20?

    My weight goes up and down all week but my body fat just keeps dropping.
  • btnyegurl
    btnyegurl Posts: 27
    Don't give up! I lost a lot of weight focusing only on dietary changes but exercising will help with increasing your endurance and helping with blood flow.
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    This is a good point. All equipment is not calibrated accurately. This is why I don't like to max out my calorie goal every day. I try to be a little under goal, maybe by 100-200 calories, if I work out, to have some room for error in my ability to measure accurately and in the exercise equipment.
  • militarydreams
    militarydreams Posts: 198 Member
    Stick with it, your muscles hold water when they repair so use a tape measure instead. The extra weight should dissapate naturally over the next week or 2 provided you don't change up your routine.
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    How about fiber. i found I was not getting enough so I added it to my daily information. also I try to not eat ALL my earned calories. I do eat some of them back. Keep it up
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    I can totally relate! I have done the same thing this week....but then I redid my measurements and that was where the loss showed! So I lean more towards my measurements than I do my scale. Good luck! Blessings!
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    A lot of great answers here but I can't resist:

    Such small weight fluctuations don't matter, a good poop could change your weight by that much or more.

    Keep up the exercise and don't pay so much attention to the scale. Use how you feel and how your clothes fit as a better indicator.
  • mattybrown17
    You were all right, it was just water weight. I've lost 12 pounds this first month now. Thanks for cooling me off my over reaction!