Ok so is it okay to be pissed off at the following situation



  • BeachyBecky
    BeachyBecky Posts: 74 Member
    Let her pay for it next time. Tell her she owes ya one!
  • jilltaylor86
    jilltaylor86 Posts: 87 Member
    No, this is very rude. She ordered food that you didn't want, made you pay for it then bailed before it even got there. Next time you get food, you should make her pay and leave a tip.
  • bmarie612
    bmarie612 Posts: 221 Member
    That is very rude! I don't think your over reacting at all! If anything, you should be mad that you wasted $25 and the fact that she left before the food arrived!
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    I would not have payed for the whole thing. Made her drop half before she left and if she didn't I would have refused the food when it came but that's just me.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I would not have payed for the whole thing. Made her drop half before she left and if she didn't I would have refused the food when it came but that's just me.

    so its the restaurants fault that these 2 had a spat? get real
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I was setting it out though...
    So I tried to treat both of us and then got treated myself .
  • patelgop
    patelgop Posts: 1
    Just eat the pizza, but have healthy sides with it. I'm vegetarian so I wouldn't eat the wings or know what to do with them. Have a slice for lunch and make a ton of broccoli to eat on the side or fruits or a huge salad. I hate wasting food. Even if it is bad for me like pizza or a pasta with high calorie content, I would still eat it but try to eat it with healthy sides. Personally, I can't waste food because I'll feel bad. There's starving kids out there. :(

    Also, don't hold grudges. She did a pretty crappy thing, but you don't have many friends in your town. Chalk it up to a life lesson and move on. Next time, order salads together or something more healthy or make her pay next time or split the cost in the first place. Good luck!
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    If she had eaten the food, it still would have cost you the same amount. You haven't lost anything. Eat what you want and throw out the rest. Just because there is food in front of your face doesn't mean it has to go into your face.

    I agree, it may seem like a waste and hard but I've thrown away food before that I don't want and then next time you hang out just don't order that and keep what happened this time in mind. You are the one that controls what you do and eat...you can do it! Stay strong!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    It was rude to leave you stranded, for sure. If you "wasted" the extra food, it's what I would have done. I have had weak moments and bought things I shouldn't eat, then came to my senses before I ate it and threw it away. It might be wasteful, but if you don't have anyone handy to give it away to; you will feel better if you just chuck it.

    Next time you go to snacks/dinner with her, she should pay.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    This is why I love MFP forums....so many different responses and reactions. OH MFP.....
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    I would not have payed for the whole thing. Made her drop half before she left and if she didn't I would have refused the food when it came but that's just me.

    so its the restaurants fault that these 2 had a spat? get real

    No but it is not my fault either that my "friend" decided to go and stick me with the bill and a whole lot of unwanted food. So how about you get real.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    You can throw it away...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I would not have payed for the whole thing. Made her drop half before she left and if she didn't I would have refused the food when it came but that's just me.

    so its the restaurants fault that these 2 had a spat? get real

    No but it is not my fault either that my "friend" decided to go and stick me with the bill and a whole lot of unwanted food. So how about you get real.

    sticking the restaurant with YOUR problem or your friends is totally lame. the restaurant didnt do anything wrong.
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Honesty, I would have been upset that she left before hand and then didn't come back over the next day! But, you already paid for the food so portion it out and put it in the freezer and you'll have a few meals already saved back :)
  • lkblazek
    lkblazek Posts: 36
    Freeze it and the next time she does this offer her the frozen pizza and wings. Perhaps with a comment such as "Oh I have some in the freezer from the last time we wanted pizza and wings".
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Oh FFS just toss it and consider it a $25 lesson learned.
  • plzlbsbegone
    The part that would piss me off, is that she ordered it too. Then left before it was served. Why in the world would she order if she knew she wouldn't be there to eat it? I would just flat out ask her. Maybe it was as simple as she didn't know the food would take so ling, or maybe she felt remorse for ordering it.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I think I'll be freezing it.

    To those of you suggesting I throw it out...there's two reactions I have. One is that this could be reasonable, considering the health problems associated with such food. BUT...my initial reaction is that you obviously must live in a bubble of privilege.
    I know, who am I to say this after having wasted more than $20 on ordered food which could have bought me lots of groceries for the week. But seriously, I don't see the point in throwing food out. I've never done that unless it was rotten!
    I think it's a poor person thing. I'm not poor by some standards, and some standards yes.
    But I def grew up poor and have been taught differently about wasting food.
    Then of course there is the argument that this isn't really food. True enough. But after spending the money it damn well better be,
    Forgive my rant and reaction.
    I'm a sociology grad student. So I tend to tear apart just about every argument with which I'm presented.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    I would not have payed for the whole thing. Made her drop half before she left and if she didn't I would have refused the food when it came but that's just me.

    so its the restaurants fault that these 2 had a spat? get real

    No but it is not my fault either that my "friend" decided to go and stick me with the bill and a whole lot of unwanted food. So how about you get real.

    sticking the restaurant with YOUR problem or your friends is totally lame. the restaurant didnt do anything wrong.

    Well I'd rather be lame then on a forums pissed and complaining. I will agree to disagree with your point of view.
  • weathergirl320
    divide it up into small portions than freeze it. freeze the pizza slices and like 3 wings. then if there is ever an occasion where you have company and want to serve the "junk fod" you have it, and your money didnt go to waste. or if you want a treat or whatever every now and then you have it. but freezing it will keep it fresh, but also the time it takes to defrost will give you a chance to really think before you eat it. like not just plow into the pizza or wings because you have to defrost it.