Sooo confused about how many caloies I should be eating. HEL



  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    One thing that you see a lot across the board here on MFP is large people who undereat, and are surprised at the numbers recommended to them.

    You are likely feeling so full due to one of 2 reasons:
    1. You have been undereating for so long that your metabolism and digestion are accustomed to a lower calorie count than is necessary. The easiest and safest way to increase is to eat a "normal" day for you, track the amounts, and then try to up it by 100 calories every 1-2 days until you meet goal. You'd probably be surprised at how common this problem is AND how often people ignore the advice and get discouraged because they stuff themselves, and let that pain dictate whether they continue.

    2. You personally are not on level with the MFP guidelines. This site is great but it is subject to limitations. It can only guesstimate at your daily calorie burn. I do agree that you have to adjust for YOU *but* as a starting point, roughly following the preset guidelines is a good place to start. As you get into the habit of tracking, you'll see habits and trends emerge. Eventually, for me, I stalled out and then figured out I was STILL undereating. Even after that, my loss was slow so I incorporated more personally accurate tools, and voila! Ifound that MFP calculated me to have a lower metabolic rate than I do, and that I am burning more than the average person of my size and weight.

    I would start out eating at least to within 300 calories of what MFP suggests until you get a better feel for yourself and what your activity will be. Always eat extra on days you work out. Only count extra calories for the activities you do outside the daily routine. After a while, re-evaluate.

    Feel free to add me, if you like :)
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    You say MFP gives your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) as 2190? That seems very very high.

    My BMR was calculated to start at 3660. Depending on your weight and body composition, it can vary greatly.

    Also, while heart rate monitors can be helpful, they are NOT the most accurate tool if your concern is calorie burn throughout the day. If you want something for exercise only, go with that but... I used a BodyMedia Fit LINK and it monitors calorie burn through the entire day, including sleep, to give an all encompassing view of your stats.
    Mine cost $150 plus it will eventually require me to pay on a subscription but the information it collects and charts are invaluable. After bringing it into my routine, I have lost 4.4 pounds in 1.5 weeks and a couple inches. I was previously plateaued. A heart rate monitor would never have been able to tell me what I needed to know about my burn.

    To each their own, I just suggest doing more research than the MFP forums before you settle on numbers and devices.
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    I wouldnt eat below your BMR. It can slow your metabolism and hurt your loss later. But you might want to get your bmr tested professionally. Mfp tools arent that accurate.
    Second the Body media. I love mine.
    Actually your net cals shouldnt be below the Bmr. So Bmr plus exercise cals.