
Hi everyone. I'm new here. I'm 42 (almost) and while I've struggled my entire life with my weight, I am currently the biggest I've ever gotten and am miserable! I'm ashamed of the way I look, feel awful and have no idea why I keep making bad choices and can't seem to get my act together! I have been successful on other plans in the past, but only temporarily. Some days I wake up and start out great... I exercise, I eat right and I feel like I can do it! But I always seem to lose my momentum, and even end up gaining more. I'm always going to "get back on track tomorrow," which of course never comes. Has anyone been in my position before and can you offer any words of wisdom that may have worked for you? This site was recommended to me by someone who lost 50 pounds following the plan, and she looks and feels great! But no plan can work if you don't follow it.

By the way, I recently purchased an elliptical machine and also Jillians 30 Day Shred DVD, so I really have no excuse not to exercise! Thanks in advance!! :)


  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new here. I'm 42 (almost) and while I've struggled my entire life with my weight, I am currently the biggest I've ever gotten and am miserable! I'm ashamed of the way I look, feel awful and have no idea why I keep making bad choices and can't seem to get my act together! I have been successful on other plans in the past, but only temporarily. Some days I wake up and start out great... I exercise, I eat right and I feel like I can do it! But I always seem to lose my momentum, and even end up gaining more. I'm always going to "get back on track tomorrow," which of course never comes. Has anyone been in my position before and can you offer any words of wisdom that may have worked for you? This site was recommended to me by someone who lost 50 pounds following the plan, and she looks and feels great! But no plan can work if you don't follow it.

    By the way, I recently purchased an elliptical machine and also Jillians 30 Day Shred DVD, so I really have no excuse not to exercise! Thanks in advance!! :)

    You have to want it really bad is pretty much what works for me. It sounds like you may binge sometimes? If that is the case you need to understand what triggers your binge. Alot of times we are not really hungry but certain things make us think we are such as tv commercials(big one for me), depression, alot of other reasons can cause it.

    One trick you can try to use if you are being good but really feel hungry and wanting to binge is eat a small snack and wait for 20minutes. Because usually after that time your mind gets the full feeling, even if it's just a small snack. Also drink alot of water during the day, and drink a cup before you eat meals will help make you feel fuller. There's alot of other things you can do, you'll just have to decide which is more important, your health or the next meal. Good luck
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Unfortunately you have to REALLY want it to make it happen. Weight loss is slow and it is hard! It takes a lot of dedication and time.

    Make a list of your reasons for losing weight. Post it somewhere where you will see it all the time. On the snack cupboard? On the fridge?

    Take some time and pre-plan and make your meals for the week (or a few days). Have them in the freezer or fridge portioned out and ready to go. That should help with just grabbing something because you are starving and don't have time, resources, etc.

    When you binge or go a bit overboard try not to say "I'll get back to it tomorrow" I'm TERRIBLE for that! Don't wait until tomorrow, change it now. You can't undo what you did but get some exercise in, make better choices for the rest of the day, etc.
  • BevP123
    BevP123 Posts: 58 Member
    The key for me is to log everything, good or bad, and to try not to feel guilty. I don't deny myself anything so I'm not craving what I can't have but I am trying to eat healthier foods, drink more and excercise more, just without putting too much pressure on myself.

    Try putting everything in the diary regardless of the calories at first to get an idea of what you actually eat then use it to make healthier choices. Often before I eat something I enter it here to see what the calories would be. It helps with the choices but I don't beat myself up if I chose to eat it.

    Once you're ready to start counting the calories set mini goals like not going over the calories by more than x amount. Get as much support and check out the groups, message boards and success stories. They've been such a great help for me.

    I've enjoyed being on here and that's been motivation enough to keep me coming back.

    Good luck with your goals. You can do this x