Dealing with leg soreness



  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member

    I love glutamine. Read up on it. I'm too busy to explain it all in medical terminology.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Sounds pretty normal. Probably a lot of lactic acid build up and micro-tears in the muscle fibers. All normal with starting a weight training program.

    Make sure to stretch after weight training.
    Hot soaks will relax stubborn tight muscles, cold soaks will reduce inflammation.
    The foam leg roller acts as kind of a self administered deep tissue massage on your leg muscles.

    As rough as it sounds, more exercise helps. Not more weight training the next day, light cardio. Go for a walk, maybe a little easy time on an exercise bike. You have to flush the lactic acid and residual inflammation out of your muscles and the best way to do that is move the muscles and stay hydrated.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I just upped my lifting intensity big time and I'm dealing with the same thing. I like it, though, because I know I'm pushing myself hard! Water, protein shakes, ice, a foam roller if you have one, all help. light exercise is great. I walk the dogs a few miles every other day in between lifting sessions. It gets better.
  • b_h_bloomer
    b_h_bloomer Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the great ideas everyone :)

    I will definitely take these into account next week for leg day No. 2!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I just upped my lifting intensity big time and I'm dealing with the same thing. I like it, though, because I know I'm pushing myself hard! Water, protein shakes, ice, a foam roller if you have one, all help. light exercise is great. I walk the dogs a few miles every other day in between lifting sessions. It gets better.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    a long soak in a hot bath =)
    works for me!

    That makes the inflammation worse. Ice packs/baths and compression/rest to help heal. Make sure you're stretching adequately as well. Over time the soreness will decrease.

    Oh really? Even warm/hot bath in epson salt makes it worse! Eek! That's what I just did!
  • LittleSimoni
    That's me today - sore calf muscles from walking up hill and walking to work. It will do better. I learned a tip for extreme sore legs and stairs... walk up backwards.

    I know it hurts like heck but in a weird small way it's like "yay me! I worked out!" so congratulations!! :)
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I just started couch to 5K and the second day I was so sore I could hardly sit down and forget about getting back up. I remember that when I was doing P90X 2 summers ago that I used a recovery drink so I tried it after the next run and man does it make a difference. I got mine at GNC. They have a couple that are really good just ask them. Good luck.