Freakin' Playtex Sport Tampons (Stay away men)

JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
edited December 17 in Chit-Chat
Arggggghhh. I am DONE with these things! Why do they have to put knots in the strings?? The freakin' knot gets caught in the applicator and pulls out the tampon when the applicator is withdrawn. Doesn't happen all of the time, but it shouldn't happen at all. Never had this problem with the regular ones. I wrote the company to express my ANNOYANCE. I get an e-mail back asking me to describe exactly what happens. Ummmmm. I DID describe to you in my initial e-mail EXACTLY what happens. What? Do you want a freakin' video of it???

Argggggh. Done. Nada Over. Thanks for letting me vent.
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