My comparison Fitbit Ultra vs BodyMedia FIT Core



  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    I love mine too! i rarely go a day without it in fact if I forget to put it on (my bras) i feel cheated!
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    I love mine too! I very rarely go a day without it in fact if I forget to put it on (my bras) i feel cheated!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Great info!! thanks for posting....
  • SusuAtta
    SusuAtta Posts: 56
    Thank you so much for the awesome review! I just bought a Fitbit Ultra online and you reassured me that it is a good purchase :wink:
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I have BMF. I really like it. I was worried about it showing in the summer so I started wearing on my thigh. I think it gives a more accurate count on the steps wearing it on my leg. I do alot of walking.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Great review, thanks!
  • lpanourgias
    lpanourgias Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for this. I have been stressing over this decision and I appreciate your detail and thought!
  • caseylainetx
    caseylainetx Posts: 6 Member
    Excellen review. Decision is made. FitBit it is! Thank you so much!
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    I’m sure others have covered this, but I searched for a decent comparison and couldn’t find one that filled my specific needs, so I purchased both products and compared them myself. I apologize for the length, but maybe the data will help someone make a decision.

    On 3-27 I received both a Fitbit (FB) and a BodyMedia FIT core (BMF). I purchased them both from I compared the 2 units side by side for 3 full days from 3-28 to 3-30. I had planned on comparing the 2 devices during a week or 2, but at the end of just 3 days I have made my choice.

    I’m Male, 47 years old, 279#. I am an IT project manager. I occasionally telecommute and I was fortunate enough to work from home at my desk job during my short side by side comparison. I worked at a computer nearly the entire work day. I consider myself sedentary. I use an elliptical 3 times a week and set it to low resistance for 30 minutes at a pace that gets my heart up to ~125 BPM. 2 of the 3 days of comparison included the elliptical workout for cardio. My nutrition profile was fairly consistent all 3 days. I tracked my nutrition only in MFP and compared the measurements and usability of the 2 devices. The calories burned was my main interest. I wondered if they would be close. I wondered if the other data would be useful. Here’s my thoughts:

    Before purchasing the units, I reviewed the web sites for marketing material. Here’s the main similarities & differences noted from marketing material:

    = They are both centered around an accelerometer with each marketing differences in sensor/technology/design etc.
    = Both count steps
    = Both count calories burned
    = Both track sleep
    = Both track activity
    = Both log nutrition
    = Both log weight
    ~ BMF can measure Heart rate with 3rd party HRM/strap (appears to be Garmin units only)
    ~ BMF markets “most accurate in the market” for activity, calories and sleep patterns. >90% accurate for calories.
    ~ BMF markets “more accurate calorie burn” because “measures more variables” with galvanic skin response, skin temperature and heat flux used to determine calorie burn
    ~ FB markets stair tracking, color options, distance, automatic wireless uploads, floors climbed, clock, stopwatch,
    ~ FB is considerably smaller than BMF
    ~ BMF is strapped to your left triceps & can be almost concealed with shirt sleeve (does occasionally peak out causing questions)
    ~ FB can be worn in pocket on waist or on bra. (worn on included wrist band when sleeping)
    ~ BMF Core has to be removed to synch and uses a common USB cable (or get Link version for Bluetooth synch)
    ~ FB synchs automatically when you are within 15 feet of charging cradle
    ~ FB synchs only with the use of its special USB connected cradle (I’ve read they will ship you a 2nd if you ask tech support, I asked on Saturday- won’t get response until next week)
    ~ Can press button on FB to see any of the current totals
    ~ Need display to see totals from BMF ( I didn’t get display, didn’t think it would be useful. ...Afterthought- I think it would be useful)
    ~ BMF is more expensive to purchase & requires a monthly subscription fee (after initial 3 free months) without the subscription the device is useless

    General observations during the side by side comparison:

    BMF Pros:
    +. The dashboard is just a bit more intuitive and fits better on my PC monitor. When first launched the data sections are collapsed and summarized with target and actual data. Any section can be drilled into by expanding the section to expose whichever section, usually exposing more detailed data and a graph.
    +. Unit can be synched with just a USB cable. Using it on multiple PC's shouldn't be a problem. (i.e. work PC, and home PC, notebook PC)

    BMF Cons:
    -. BMF requires a monthly subscription fee (after initial 3 free months) without it the device is useless. The monthly fee is $6.95.
    -. prices- The BMF core was $119.99, the Bluetooth model was $170.67, large strap would add $13. The cost for the BMF Link and armband would come to $100 more than the FB. (FB is $88.85) Then you have to consider the additional monthly $6.95 after free trial is up.
    -. I really don’t understand the reason for the hard plastic packaging that is so hard to open. It seems I always end up with a small cut when I finally get it opened. What a waste of my time trying to get into the package. Really just venting, it’s not a big deal, I only open package once.
    -. Not able to correct the calories during my workout time with the BMF (it under calculated my calories at ~300, compared to 397 from a calculation with a HRM, and 320 from FB (which was correctable in MFP). Not a big deal it’s a small correction. I only log 330 calories anyway.
    -. I did not like the armband. My arm is 15” and I found the elastic armband to be just a bit too small at its fully open position. After researching accessories, it appears my unit came with a 15” medium strap. They have small and large straps available for $13.
    -. Don’t like having to remove it every time I want to synch. I guess I should have tried the BMF Link which is Bluetooth enabled to synch with your smartphone.
    -. Doesn’t integrate with MFP. I am very accustomed to the MFP database. The BMF database could not replace MFP. This is a big deal for me.

    FB Pros:
    +. I wear the FB in my pocket, so no one sees and I won’t invest time in explaining it to anyone.
    +. FB includes free membership to But they offer a premium service (I didn’t look into it)
    +. FB is integrated to MFP, BMF is not
    +. FB has Friends, Groups, & Topics. But this isn’t a big deal to me since I mainly stick with MFP for those things.
    +. Through MFP I can correct my calories burned for any given activity.

    FB Cons:
    -. The dashboard is not as visually appealing and intuitive as BMF’s Activity Manager, but this is very minor because all the pertinent data, targets, goals, graphs, badges, journals are easily accessible. It’s just a “first impression” thing.
    -. Because it is worn on clothes it is probably more likely to make it to the washer unless you are extremely diligent with removing it when disrobing. Neither unit is waterproof. This is a big opportunity for improvement and marketing for both companies considering the intended use of the devices.

    Calories burned was my main focus. When the 2 devices were compared, the daily Calories burned differences for each day was 1%, 5% & 2%. The day with 5% difference was one of my cardio days. I reviewed the logged data and did not see any specific reason for the 5% difference. It appeared to be just subtleties in calories measured throughout the day not during any specific activity. I also do not believe the difference in calories burned is significant to me. The devices were at least within 5% of each other and with my daily calorie burn of 3000 to 3500 that’s only about 175 calories difference at its worst. That difference is insignificant to me at this point in my journey. The other data measurements are great for motivation, incentives and badges etc., they are fun to track and compare to previous days and to compare to friends, but the calories burned helps determine the calories to be consumed, so that was the whole purpose for purchasing a device.

    I preferred the usability of the FB over the BMF Core. The FB integrates with MFP. The FB is more concealable. It allows for corrections to calories burned during specific activities that are not tracked accurately, (i.e. lifting, elliptical, rowing, cycling)

    After side by side comparison of the Fitbit Ultra and the BodyMedia FIT Core, my choice is the Fitbit Ultra. I had originally thought the pricier BMF would be considerably more accurate and that would drive my decision, but I’m glad I purchased them both and compared them side by side because the 2 units measured nearly the same calories burned. The usability, which I had not originally considered to be as important became the deciding factor. My decision was based on the fact that The FB can be completely concealed, & most importantly it is integrated to MFP. …Notwithstanding, the Fitbit is considerably cheaper.

    I hope you find this comparison helpful.

    Thanks!! This review was very helpful to me!!
  • jennpaulson
    jennpaulson Posts: 850 Member
    Just an update, BodyMediaFit IS now integrated with MFP. So that's one con you don't have to consider anymore.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I purchased my Body Media Core from their website where it was $99 for both the BM and the readout. I had a FitBit but I didn't find it to be accurate. I doubt I walked over a 100 steps every night while sleeping. I also walked a marked trail and the step count was not accurate and I did have the proper stride length set. I'll pay monthly for accuracy and you can save half if you sign up for 2 years (actually 27 months) for $89.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    As someone else mentioned, BMF is now integrated with MFP. I've been using BodyMediaFit for 6 months and just want to chime in with my 2 cents.
    I chose BMF because with my job as a dog walker, I did not like the units that could potentially count bumpy driving as steps taken. Also I wanted it to count my calorie burn with weight training-- not that I'm currently doing so, but increased muscle mass should show a higher calorie burn. Does Fitbit have any way to adjust for that?

    As a cheapskate, I originally bought the BodyMediaFit CORE. It fit my arm OK, but I found I was not getting any benefit out of it without a display unit. You cannot tell what your daily calorie burn is, nor how many steps you've taken, until you sync it with a computer. And unless you are obsessively running to your computer to sync the BMF, chances are you won't know your day's burn/step count until it's too late to do something about it. The benefit of a display unit for the Core is SIGNIFICANT--- you can see right away if you need to work harder to hit your calorie burn target. This is not an issue if you buy the LINK and you have a Smartphone to connect it with. (I have neither.)

    Second con: The armband consisst of a thin plastic ring that fits around the BMF, with an elastic band attached. I have had my BMF for 10 months and have broken 4 different armbands. The thin plastic is the part that breaks, and not just for me! Others have reported the same issue. You need to have the armband comfortably hugging your arm, and it WILL stretch the plastic at the top of the band where your arm is fatter than at the bottom of the band. So, factor in that you will be buying a new armband, roughly $15, about every 2 months.

    Third con: The display unit comes with a little clip which actually works pretty well. At one point I lost my display unit, and had to buy another one. So now I've spent $25, twice, on display units. The plastic clip on the display unit will also stretch and break over time, although I've had mine 3 or 4 months before it finally broke and it is still perfectly usable even with a broken clip, I just can't clip it to my jeans any more. (Wah!)

    Fourth con: As mentioned, I've had my BMF unit roughly 10 months, and suddenly it is no longer syncing with the computer when it is plugged in. I got it to computer sync, but now it is no longer syncing with the display units! I'm grateful that it is still recording and measuring my daily activity, but it sucks that I cannot see it until I plug it in. I don't know if this is a common occurrence, or I am just unlucky, but I contacted customer service and they are going to replace it, as it is covered by warranty. Yay! Unfortunately I have to send in my old one before they will replace it, so I will be "without" for a period of time.

    Final words: Yes, there is a significant and ongoing price associated with owning a BMF. The first 6 months I had it, I did not lose any weight at all because I wasn't tracking my calories in and I was eating terribly. The BMF can't help you with that. You really have to be committed to tracking calories, or at least eating the same calories consistenly, if you expect BMF to make a difference. (True with any device). However, I can honestly say that it motivates me to work harder and it is definitely, encouraging when I am tracking calories and I can see that I burned 500 more calories than I ate. For me, the drawbacks are significant but the benefit of more accuracy with calorie burn is worth it.