Stubborn belly fat

Hello Community,

I am posting here to find response in regards to loosing stubborn belly fat. I have been suffering with belly fat for the past 1 year and haven't had any luck getting rid of it. I have been going to the gym for the past 5 months, eating healthy, but still no change. I do 10 mins of cardio, followed by weight training. I avoid junk food and eat only healthy food.

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has gone through the same thing and have been successful in removing that stubborn belly fat. Please feel free to comment and share your success stories- what different did you try, failures, successes- exercise regiments, nutrition.



  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Running is best to target belly fat.
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    My trainer once told me that the only way to loose belly fat was to sweat like hell during cardio. Try upping the cardio to 30 - 40 minutes with some intense intervals. Also cross train that cardio. Should get rid of extra fat in time. Worked for me!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You just have to keep doing what you are doing, and eventually it will come off. There is magic way to get rid of belly fat.. Eat a small deficit, strength train/do cardio, and when it's ready it will go.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Try this site to find out all of your numbers such as BMR, BF%, TDEE, Etc. It may be that you should calculate it on here & not let MFP figure out your cals/day & exercise numbers...Check this out & see if it helps with your numbers...

    I checked out your diary & it doesn't look as if you are logging anything...Maybe you need to start & see if you are doing what needs to be done with your eating healthy & exercise...Plus water too....Hope this helps!! :)
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    Belly fat!!!! It's the first to come and the last to go. Cardio will help, but remember it takes TIME, be patient. I have read that if you do your weight/strength training followed by your cardio, it will burn more fat. Also, will definately take more than 10 minutes of cardio. If you find the secret to losing belly fat, please let me know.
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Try this site to find out all of your numbers such as BMR, BF%, TDEE, Etc. It may be that you should calculate it on here & not let MFP figure out your cals/day & exercise numbers...Check this out & see if it helps with your numbers...

    I checked out your diary & it doesn't look as if you are logging anything...Maybe you need to start & see if you are doing what needs to be done with your eating healthy & exercise...Plus water too....Hope this helps!! :)

    ^^^^ this!
    You have to hit your caloric targets for the day as well as your macros. The best way to know this is by calculating your BMR and TDEE. Cardio is great but make sure your getting 3 days of strength training a week and lift heavy! This will kill the fat hanging on in your body!
  • ashank123
    ashank123 Posts: 12
    Thank you for the suggestions and the links. I will take a look into it and make the necessary changes. I will restart recording my consumption in the food diary. I am also going to up my cardio session on the treadmill/eliptical. However, something about doing this mundane movement for a prolonged period is boring. I usually try to rush through my cardio session so I can move on to weight training. Usually, I go to moderate resistance level so I burn approx 10 cal/min, but it does get boring at times. What are your thoughts on making the cardio session exciting as ever?

    I looked at the link and found that 1852 calories is my current BMR

    Also, I train at least 4 days a week, with focus on isolated workout followed by whey isolate protein right after my workout session
    day 1- legs
    day2- rest
    day3- chest
    day4- biceps and triceps
    day5- rest
    day6- shoulders and back
    day7- abs