Been around for awhile, just now getting into Forum

So I've been trying to do this myself for a long time, but I think I need to reach out finally.

I'm Ramona, I currently don't know how much I weight; my batteries for my scale ran out.
I fluctuated in the recent weeks because of lack of discipline and a visit back home.
I'm 21 years old and am about to graduate University!
My biggest goal is to try and become a size 12 by the time I graduate in May. I'm JUST almost almost almost to a size 14. I'm teetering between 16 and 14.

Biggest problem I have? There is a really delicious Mexican restaurant on the corner of my apartment and I tend to get cravings for their food. Not only is this a strain on my wallet (They're a tad bit expensive) but it's a strain for my belly and calories.

I've always been an individual to love food and recently I've been teaching myself to compromise with everything.

That's just a little about me. I'm a very friendly individual and would love to widen my support group.