suggestions for home-made popsicles

I've been looking to make the kids some home-made popsicles. I found someone on utube that showed 3 recipes: creamsicles, fudgesicles, and strawberry popsicles. I did include the recipes in case anyone wants to try to make it themselves. One is for creamsicles which is to use 1 pkg. of orange jello, 1 cup boiling water ,1 cup orange juice and 4 scoops of vanilla ice-cream. Another is for fudgesicles which is to use 1 pkg. of chocolate pudding, 2 cups of milk, and 4 cups of ice-cream. The last is for strawberry popsicles which is to use 1 pkg. of strawberry jello, 1 cup of boiling water, 1 1 /2 cups of strawberry yogurt and 2 cups of sliced strawberries. Someone also told me about a book called Ice Pop Joy. I really don't want to buy a book to make popsicles, but what do you think?? My question about the 3 recipes is they all have packages of jello in them. I'm sure jello has sugar in them, so my question is there something to substitute them with something healthier...etc Anywhere or anything you suggest???



  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    When I was a kid, mom just made them out of Kool Aid... I dont know how elaborate you want to get.
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    Sugar free jello? I plan to make Ice pops with crystal light. Also I blend strawberries and freeze then - sometimes I will add plain Greek yogurt.
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    You can buy sugar free jello. I'm with the above poster though, I use koolaid for popcicles - recipe is on the back of the envelopes and you add the amount of sugar you want.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    kathyc609 yummy strawberries with Greek yogurt and oh I never realized there was sugarless jello!! Can't wait to try to make some!! Yummmmmy! Thanks!
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I made some really good ones last summer--mostly watermelon with a handful of raspberries and fresh lime juice in the blender, strain the puree to get the watermelon pulp out and freeze. Incredible. Until watermelon and raspberries are in season again, you could probably do something yummy with blended strawberries and a splash of lemonade.