How many days a week do you work out?



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    5 per week. I try to walk mostly, but the weather is usually rainy/snowy around here, so when it gets bad, I throw in my weight lifting. I'm adding in light resistance training those 5 days, too.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    6 days a week :) keeps me sane! and on my rest day i do light cardio depending on how my body feels
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    6 days

    3x a week: weight lifting
    3-5x a week: cardio
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    I "work out" 5-7 days a week with a video. But additionally, I walk and ride my bicycle for transportation (as weather permits).

    I like working out at home and do videos. I did p90x for three months and got great results. Then I did a smattering of Beach Body Insanity. I just started p90x2 but have decided I'm going to skip the intro phase because it isn't intense enough. I borrowed Beach Body TurboFire from a friend but haven't been all that impressed.

    Sometimes I skip the videos and just do weight lifting. Depends on what I'm in the mood for, really.

    But an hour of moderate exercise five days a week is key to cardiovascular health. Moderate doesn't mean sweating your heart out doing Beach Body Insanity but it does mean something like brisk walking, light cycling, moderate elliptical, etc. I would suggest weight bearing exercises for any woman to prevent bone loss.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    I workout 6 days a week doing running/jogging, spinning and 2 strength training days for atleast an hour sometimes up to 2 hrs... I've decided on my "rest day " to walk for 60 mins
  • TrishPretti
    TrishPretti Posts: 51 Member
    I am new to regular/consistent exercise, how many days a week do you work out? Do you plan your workouts ahead of time? How do you make sure you get variety? And how do you prevent burnout?

    I want to make exercise a part of my lifestyle... I want to get toned and fit for life, not just to look good for summer.


    I work out 6 days a week... and I make my workout time non-negotiable. I know what time every day I'm going to work out and I do it. Period.

    What are you doing for workouts? I'd love to help you -- I'm a big believer in all the beach body programs :)


    Which programs would you suggest? I've lost a great deal of weight and I'm at the point where I haven't been as motivated as I was before ... almost like I'm satisfied with where I'm at even though I'm not.
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    I workout 4 days a week with rest days between. My weight loss stalled at 6 days a week (due to over training) so I dropped it to 4 approx. hour long workouts. I do two days of Insanity (either reg or max) and two days of full body weights in a circuit. Also at least 3 sessions of abs.

    I plan my workouts in three week increments with a recovery week in the fourth. Then change it up a bit every month. But I stick to my shedule and never miss a workout.
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    0 at the moment. I move around a lot (incidental walking) depsite needing to be off my feet as much as possible.

    Looking forward to walking 3 days (cardio) again when I am back on my feet. I want to work on the arms and legs, etc as soon as I am able.

    I have been on maintenance for 6 months and just gaining something for my doctor to be happy there is nothing wrong with me :)
  • heatherly711
    3 Days a week is good to maintain a healthy life style, but I would aim for more. Just don't go crazy with it because then you are more likely to fall off the wagon. I hear that those who exercise in the morning are better at maintaining that routine than those who do it at night because there are less distractions and schedule issues to deal with.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    4-5 times a week for about 45 minutes
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    I don't enjoy workouts. In the past I have set goals like walking 45 minutes at a time 4 days a week. I would end up looking at the treadmill while I was watching TV thinking I didn't have the energy to walk and I found that I would skip it. Now I have decided I will walk 10 minutes twice a day six days a week. I know this doesn't seem like much to most of you, but, even when I want to skip it, I think "It's just 10 minutes... do it already". I haven't missed a day in 2 weeks, and nine times out of 10 I walk 15 to 20 minutes versus 10. I am planning on increasing the time as my weight goes down.
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    5-6 days a week! I try to give myself at least one rest day!
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Currently have only gone 3-4x a week. I feel a huge need to go everyday though. When im sore , ill go for a walk or a run with the dog. I also want it to be top priority to go everyday. 3 or 4 times is not enough for me personally.
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    I generally workout 7 days a week. I have running streaks where I have gone 63 straight days running. I was obsessed with it for a while, but have learned it's ok when life gets in the way. I do try to work something in every day though. I usually go to the gym 5 days a week. Once in a while I'll take a complete rest day, but not often!
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    6 days a week no matter what (6 cardio n 3 weigt yraining) although if I feel stuck n need to blast thru a plateau I will either do 7 days or (works even better) do 2 days of two a days at gym.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    5. I would like to make it 6 but its not practical, so I try to go hard in those 5 days.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Six days per week

    I'm doing P90X and I usually skip the stretch dvd day so I do 6 days a week with that.

    I also run 5-6 days per week.

    I still do something light on my rest day--usually a walk with my kids but no dvds and no running one day per week.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I've been working out 6 days a week for over 8 years.
  • MyNewZen
    MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member
    6 Days a week:

    Hike: Sunday
    Gym: Monday, Wednesday, Satruday
    Dragon Boating: Tuesday, Thursday
    Rest: Friday

    A typical gym session is 15 minutes on the bike to warm up then about 1 and a half hours of free weights.

    I dragon boat and hike for cardio, its more fun with other people. I cant recomend dragon boating enough, its is like having 20 personal trainers all to your self for an hour or 2, they push you really hard!
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    i always work out minimum of 5 days, but aim for 6 days