Looking for baked fish recipes

Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
I have a ton of fresh caught Sea Bass and Lean Cod (from our fishing trip on the Oregon coast) I only know how to deep fry it. I really need some good baked, broiled, grilled any HEALTHY recipes! Please try to keep the soduim down if possible. Thank everyone! Blessings!


  • annamolly22
    My favorite way to eat fish (other than deliciously fried) is to bake them in foil packs. I usually mix whatever spices I have that sound good together in some olive oil. Coat the fish with the mixture and then make a foil pack out of heavy duty aluminum foil and bake! With salmon I know it's about 14ish minutes, I've never made sea bass or cod though, so the cooking time might be different.

    You could also check out allrecipes.com, that's my go-to place for recipes. Most of them even have the nutritional values included with the recipe.