Living with parents



  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    Parents can be very subtle about encouraging grown children to move out. :wink:

    I'm only 19! just a baby!!! haha.
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    Get over it. Your choices are yours and you are responsible for what goes in your mouth. You can't convince people to eat the way you want, so don't impose on them for your needs. And if you're visiting parents who's eating habits aren't as healthy as yours, then make plans.
    It's food people. Get in your daily essentials and stay under the calories you need to and you'll be fine (unless you have some bad reaction to certain foods). There are people in the country alone who wish they could have a good solid meal daily. Buck up.

    .......have u ever been in this situation? i understand the choice is mine but that doesn't solve them getting mad at me for making my own choices. and im not visiting... i live with them. and definetly did not mean to bring world hunger into the conversation!
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    Sometimes (aka almost always) it drives me crazy! It makes it so much harder to chose what you eat... tonight for example, along with buying all my fav chips and dips (I know... not everyone in the house is on a diet...) they bought the bread that has twice the fat and half the fibre. Or they'll bring home Mc****s for dinner and act surprised when I ask to make an omlette instead. Then they think I might have a problem when I use the treadmill daily.

    Sounds like something miniscule but if you live with your parents, you might understand.

    I'd suggest you buy your own food and prepare it yourself. Not sure why you think it's their responsibility to provide the foods you want.

    i do buy my own food. but that still means i eat my omlette whilst they shoot me angry looks from behind their KFC take out box.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    Sometimes (aka almost always) it drives me crazy! It makes it so much harder to chose what you eat... tonight for example, along with buying all my fav chips and dips (I know... not everyone in the house is on a diet...) they bought the bread that has twice the fat and half the fibre. Or they'll bring home Mc****s for dinner and act surprised when I ask to make an omlette instead. Then they think I might have a problem when I use the treadmill daily.

    Sounds like something miniscule but if you live with your parents, you might understand.

    I'd suggest you buy your own food and prepare it yourself. Not sure why you think it's their responsibility to provide the foods you want.

    i do buy my own food. but that still means i eat my omlette whilst they shoot me angry looks from behind their KFC take out box.
    Fair enough, but do you give them looks while they're eating the food that they choose?
    Basically, their house, their way of living (as long as they don't break any laws)
    If you are an adult, you should appreciate the fact that they are still providing a home for you. I understand that this may just have been a chance for you to vent, but I do hope that you show more respect and gratitide towards them than you have displayed on your post.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean, My parents are sabotaging my diet I swear. They won't buy anything healthy literally even when I request it but then when I get my own groceries they eat it all!!!!! I got my own pack of turkey and apple sauce and boom its all gone even though everyone knows its mine and why I got it -_- ( and another thing that irritates me is my house is a house where people get their own specialty items a lot of the time and will keep it wrapped up so no one else gets into it BUT when someone does they go APE. I mean huge huge screaming sessions over chocolate syrup **my dad** but when I have a legit reason to have specific food and people are blatantly taking it I am called a ***** for being upset about it )
    Even when I buy all the groceries for the house they get really huffy if I pick out some healthier food choices ->_< Then when I work out, I do a lot of Jillian Micheal's stuff so there's usually a lot of plyo they get mad that I'm making noise.. Then there's how they talk to me... if I go to eat something healthy they are like "you have a eating problem now, or what are you turning into" but if I slip up or am indulging a little my dad'll always tell me I'm going to be fat forever! Damned if i do damned if I don;t. So the best I can say is try to ignore any problems they are giving you :l you won't be there forever!!! And this weight loss or (any kind of weight related goal or health goal your working for) is about you not them, Don't let anything stand in your way!
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    I live at home. I work. I make my own food, and I buy my own food. It's not that hard :)
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    Sometimes (aka almost always) it drives me crazy! It makes it so much harder to chose what you eat... tonight for example, along with buying all my fav chips and dips (I know... not everyone in the house is on a diet...) they bought the bread that has twice the fat and half the fibre. Or they'll bring home Mc****s for dinner and act surprised when I ask to make an omlette instead. Then they think I might have a problem when I use the treadmill daily.

    Sounds like something miniscule but if you live with your parents, you might understand.

    I'd suggest you buy your own food and prepare it yourself. Not sure why you think it's their responsibility to provide the foods you want.

    i do buy my own food. but that still means i eat my omlette whilst they shoot me angry looks from behind their KFC take out box.

    So what? Looks are just that - looks. Ignore it. Just be happy you're not poisoning your body with the crap they're eating!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    My issue wasn't really that they sabotaged it. What I put in my mouth is absolutely my choice. If I didn't like the food that my parents buy, I bought my own. That was that.

    I moved out at 17 because I felt that I was independent enough to run my own life. Turned out fine. I finished High School, finished College, and am marrying the man I moved out with.

    Truth hurts - but at your parents home, it's their house and their rules.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Parents can be very subtle about encouraging grown children to move out. :wink:

    I'm only 19! just a baby!!! haha.

    I moved out at 17, to go away for uni, you could totally move out if it's such an issue. I survived, and my Mum literally did EVERYTHING for me before I moved out (had to learn to cook, to pay bills etc which was an interesting experience, lots of beans on toast)

    Best ideas are above, either take over the cooking and cook healthily for everyone (or just do this a few times a week), or do your own groceries and cook for yourself.

    Believe it or not your parents aren't purposely out to sabotage you, they probably just don't realise it is so important to you (and if they are anything like my parents, they will make fun of you constantly for it even if they know it's important - I've been vegetarian for a year and every time I see my Dad he tells me I need a steak - you just have to laugh!)