shin splints after long run?

I am afriad i have a shin splint forming. I say that because today is the first time i've felt the pain so I am hoping if i rest it a bit maybe I can still run and it wont turn into full blown shin splints?
As a back story, i got new shoes recently. I broke my ankle 15 years ago and had several surgeries on it. I do think this may have changed my gait in that leg or maybe it needs some sort of custom orthodic? It is the same leg hurting.
It began to hurt when I had 2 miles left on my 6 mile run. This is my longest so far. I have been running 3-4x a week, started at 2 miles. I now run about 3.5 miles,3 times a week and then my Sunday runs have gone from 4 to 6 miles. This has been about 5 weeks of training. I don't think I increased mileage too fast. I did do a 5k on friday and my long run on Sunday..too much?
My pain is in the smack middle of my shin but it is on the inside of my shin. It is kinda where it feels like the muscle meets the bone. It isn't a horrible pain. When I am not running I do not notice it. I dont even notice it when i run a little. It only hurt towards the end of that run this morning. I run every other day. I am Icing it. Is this a shin splint forming? Maybe I just did something off during my run? I do plan on calling the dr on monday to ask about it, check for a stress fracture, and ask to see ortho about an insert or brace..I am just afraid come tuesday when I run again that I could make it worse and have a full blown case and no running for 2 months.
Thanks for any info


  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I deal with shin splints and they r painful. Maybe u did over do it a bit with a race and long run. Rest, stretching, ice and Advil work for me.