Please Help this YOYO Dieter - looking for book suggestions

Hi All!

I am a yoyo dieter to the extreme...I can be good but have to do it cold turkey - though struggling to be good at all lately...currently its just binge binge binge...I feel horrible but when the food is in front of me I just eat it....and have no control on how much I should let myself eat..I know I should stop but I just keep going!

Can anyone give me tips to get some control???

I was hoping to find a good book to read to help/convince me to stop being like this!??!?! Anyone have any suggestions!

PLEASE HELP ME! I feel horrible!!!


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Have a look at "Eating Less" by Gillian Riley. She really focuses on eating behaviour and takes the focus right away from losing weight - which I think can be quite a healthy approach when you are in a cycle of lose and binge.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Paul McKenna - I can make you thin.

    Have not read it myself, but friends who have read his books rave about them.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    I'd suggest not buying any books. Log everything you eat here, binge or not. It seems you have tried quite a few diets, probably spent probably quite a lot of money on those things. We are like that, thinking that spending money will bring results because hey, it's hard earned cash after all, spent towards your health, can't be bad?

    But in some cases (definitely mine, maybe yours too) it just detracts you from the fact that nothing will do it except willpower and efforts, on a daily basis, every single day. That's why it's awesome when you make it, nothing did it for you.

    If you want to read about nutrition, there are a lot of very nice blogs by health professionals to help you along the way, to educate yourself on food and keep you focused : (Med intern, really nice) (Bariatric doctor in Ontario Canada)

    Good luck, and if you've been yoyoing for a while, maybe this time try it without crutches! Check the Success Stories sub-forum to see people that did it, surround yourself with supportive people and willpower your way to your goal :)

    Good luck!