When something small makes your whole day :)

Today I was walking my dog in the park. He is only one year old and pretty bouncy. As I walked past a couple of ladies one of them said 'Running after that dog must be how you keep such a lovely figure!' I was so surprised and lost for words but eventually managed to stutter 'thankyou!!' Little did the lady know that she totally made my day! In fact probably my week :)

What little things have made you happy??


    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    An MFP friend in another state, took a picture of a house for me that I have a personal interest in, and it really meant alot to me, more than she knows!!!! she went out of her way to do such a kind thing, I am thrilled. Thanks Kim!!:heart:
  • lovinbeinold
    Well, the little things that make me happy don't involve my figure! I'm not anywhere near there yet. But that was really nice to read your experience. How lovely!

    I think simple acknowledgment and a smile are something, done together, that help make my day. We humans live and/or function in communities, yet go about our day without acknowledging each other.

    When I go out, I'm always looking at people's faces. I try to catch eyes and smile at people, because I know how much it means to be smiled at. A person can be lonely standing in a crowd. I want them to have a smile that day. And I want a smile at me too.

    Thanks for relating your experience. That was so dear.
  • Iceylyons
    Iceylyons Posts: 86 Member
    My 10 year old son wakes up early and makes me a cup of coffee and brings it in to me =) That is such a sweet gesture and it totally makes my day. And on the weight loss side, I had started buying and religiously wearing Suck-It-In-Suits...you know, control top undies that reach your bra and those "Body-Shaping" suits. They are so uncomfortable. I decided to stop wearing them. They enabled me to continue to feel better in my clothes but it also feels like lying to myself. I stopped wearing them and I found that although I haven't lost many pounds, but have lost inches and I don't NEED to wear them anymore! That feels fantastic!!! =)