reply to damaged metab article

Well, I am now really confused. I read this interesting article on Damaging your Metabolism posted here on MFP. I know I've damanged my metabolism by starvation (hcg) doing this 2x last year. I gained weight at record speed when I got off that diet. So, now I am trying to do just regular exercise and eating right. A routine I can do anytime/anywhere for a lifetime. I restarted MFP and set my calorie goal for 1200. After weeks of losing nothing but my patience, I lowered my goal to 1000 cal/day. I am wondering if I'm setting myself up for disappointment? After reading this article (which makes perfect sense) I don't know if I should just leave my cals at 1200 and practice patience, or if I should lower my calories.


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    What is your BMR and TDEE? Use the tools from fat2fitradio or fitnessfrog website. If you are not a very tiny person then 1,000 cals is probably way too low.
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    1000 is not should be eating at least your BMR and unless you are under 5' tall there is no way it will be at the 1000 mark. If you continue to eat like that you'll be doing even more damage.