


  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I used to have to put lemon in my water when I started trying to drink more of that and less soda... But now I love just plain old water.
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    I love water, so I just drink it all day long. If I have to add something, I'll add a couple squeezed fresh lemons. I also drink at least 32 oz of fresh brewed green tea.

    After doing research into MiO and the store brand equivilent, they both contain propylene glycol. Which is antifreeze. It may be food grade but the thought of antifreeze was already in my mind so I chose to toss mine after that, and I stopped drinking sodas as well. All I consume now is water, lemon water and green tea. Of course, if you don't feel the need to stop using additives in your water, you go right ahead and use them, but for myself I made the choice to stop drinking artificial sweeteners and things like that.
  • histogal99
    histogal99 Posts: 45 Member
    One thing I find makes drinking water easier is to add a little lemon juice and sweetner. I always order water with lemon when dining out and then use frozen lemon juice at home and work. It makes the "medicine" go down and is a natural diuretic to get off the water weight.
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 134 Member
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    From a detox book I used about 2 months ago.

    • The juice of one-half to one whole fresh lemon
    • 1-inch (2.5cm) piece of fresh ginger, sliced (you can omit this or add more, if you wish)
    • Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
    • 1 Litre of water

    While this may sound like a strange brew, consider this: the spices in this mixture increase metabolism, lower insulin, support digestion and improve liver function. Capsaicin, which is the active ingredient in cayenne, may boost sympathetic nervous system activity in a way that dampens hunger and caloric intake later in the day. Related research found that capsiate, a compound found in sweet peppers, hinders fat storage, boosts weight loss and increases metabolism. Try to drink a least 8 cups (2L) per day of this flavourful formula.

    I don't mix up 1 litre of water. I have a 16oz bottle I use. I put a bit of lemon juice, a chunk of ginger and the cayenne. Cayenne has a kick to it so I have to make sure I don't put too much. I use a very small pinch when useing the 16oz bottle. I will use the same peice of ginger for the first 1 litre I drink. Then I will grab a fresh peice for the rest.

    I don't find myself wanting to drink plain water, but this just seems to invigorate my taste buds.