Day by Day Support



  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    goals for monday, april 16

    1. drink a gallon of water
    2. eat a salad with/as dinner
    3. a serving of veggies as a snack
    4. don't hurt myself at my son's first baseball practice of the season
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on all weekend. I have been very sick. I am going to see my primary doctor tomorrow after work to hopefully find out exactly what is wrong.
    I will set my goals according to my current state of mind.
    1. Eat slowly so I can keep food down.
    2. Try to drink more liquids to avoid dehydration.
    3. Relax. Avoid sudden movements as it may cause nausea.

    It is actually hard for me to follow these goals, especially number 3. I am always in go, go, go mode. So asking me to sit down is not an easy task. I will keep you updated on my progress.
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    So, I missed a few days. I am back now!

    Goals for 4/16/2012

    1. Make better choices with my food.
    2. Drink a lot of water
    3. Weight lifting (last workout for stage one of New rules of lifting for women)
    4. Stay off my foot as much as possible to heal.
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I was able to relax over the weekend. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so I can find out what the hell is wrong with me.
    Today I plan on just relaxing and trying to eat something. The last few days I have only had about 400 calories for the whole day, I have to try to find a way to get more in my system.
    Rest is on the list for the day.
    will also try to get some reading done.
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    I was able to relax over the weekend. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so I can find out what the hell is wrong with me.
    Today I plan on just relaxing and trying to eat something. The last few days I have only had about 400 calories for the whole day, I have to try to find a way to get more in my system.
    Rest is on the list for the day.
    will also try to get some reading done.

    I am hope you are feeling better girlie!! Stay positive!!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks bubbles!! I'd like to report that I am doing better, but that's just not the case. I found out that I am going to have to have surgery at the end of the month. I have to try to find a middle ground from being in pain and being drugged to get things done. I am still not eating much. Maybe 700 calories at most today, I didn't even calculate it, it probably wasn't even that many. I am getting ready to do some research so I can know a little more before meeting with the surgeon on monday. thanks for the warm wishes
  • cycleholic
    cycleholic Posts: 119 Member
    Feel better LeeBee!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Today's goals:
    1 Eat more. I know I need to eat for fuel, but it so hard to eat when I am hurting so bad. But I do need to stay strong, so eating something is going to be necessary.
    2 Freeze the workouts. Atleast temporarily until I feel better. I did zumba last night and it probably wasn't the best idea
    3 Stay on top of my assignments. Its hard to do because of my condition, but I'm doing the best I can.
    4. try to stay away from the medicines. I do need to be coherent throughout the day.
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm really sad to see that the day by day support thread is not as active as it once was. I have been sick and I am finally feeling better, a little like my old self again. I will set my goals and hope others follow suit.

    goals for tomorrow, Wednesday, 425.

    1. Pack enough food for the day. I know I will be gone all day and I want to be able to make smart choices.
    2. Drink water, water, water.
    3. exercise in the morning before work, otherwise there will not be any time throughout the day.

    nonfitness goals.
    1. finish my reading for school.
    2. work on assignments.
    3. get some sleep, relax.