Too Old for Stroller?



  • w_i_n_d_y
    w_i_n_d_y Posts: 216 Member
    My kids have a huge span between them. I still bring my big red wagon when we go for walks. Sure to hold our water bottles, a towel, snacks, but sometimes I want to walk 5 miles or more and the younger ones just can't. I burn a hell of a lot more calories when I am pulling one of them and I get to have my walk without either one complaining that it's too far!

    When we go to flea markets, the boardwalk, carnivals, I always bring the wagon, there's nothing worse then trying to hold my purse, a jacket, a water bottle and a kid that's tired and cranky and wants to go home, when I have three others that are having fun.

    I'm all about making life easier. Do whatever works for you.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    I have a 5-year-old and a jogging stroller........the two together allow me to do some longer runs without too much whining/ her..........................................
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't remember the last time my 2.5 yo asked for a stroller. When we go on walks he rides this:

    I like that it has the handle in the back as it still allows me to control where he's going. His little legs just move and move, sometimes I have to jog to keep up with him. Man you should see him take a corner! Why push him when he can peddle?

    That being said, when we don't have other options we still put him in the jogging stroller for jogs, but even that isn't very often and he hates it.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    Not at all my 35 lb son uses a jogging stroller still as well as umbrella stroller when we go to the aquarium or other places seeing he still likes to run off
  • JessicaAnnD
    No way! Not for longer trips, my son is 3 1/2 and we brought a stroller to Disney and when we were in the airport, and when I go on long walks I take him in the double with his younger brother, I don't see anything wrong with it, if you are worried about what people think or say try a Joovy, it a stand and sit, it's the best of both worlds. :)
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    My son is still in a stroller and he is almost 10.........KIDDING. But i see nothign wrong witha 3 year old in a stroller esp if you want to get somewhere on time. Does he ride bike at all. My son was riding bike at 2 so when we would wlak he would rid ehis bike. Just an idea if you do nto want to use the stroller but if not i say rock it and who cares what ppl think
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I put my 3 year old twins in a wagon. They think it's cool and I have room for other things.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I would encourage your child to walk as far as they can then ride for awhile. It gives them a chance to work off some energy and build great habits.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your kid, your business.

    The boyfriend was still renting a stroller at Disney for his daughter when she was 10 so we didn't have to listen to her whine.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I don't think three is too old for a pushchair. I mean I was still trying to sit in one when I was seven lol, so nope definately not too old.
  • melissa97
    melissa97 Posts: 57 Member
    my youngest is 3.5 and about 35lbs...i just bought a maclaren stroller,.,,its a better umbrella stroller. Its sturdy and pushes amazing plus its good upto 50lbs. My 6 year old still likes to sit,,,i put both in my double jogger and she has sat in the maclaren also. i like having my kids sit so i dont have to worry about where they are or if someone is gonna snatch them and there is no whining!!
  • StephL0711
    StephL0711 Posts: 141
    i dont think so! my 4 year old weighs 35 lbs and i actually have those sit n stand strollers for him and my 8 month old daughter. i dont drive so i walk to the grocery store and the round trip is almost 4 miles and i dont think he would make it. also it makes it alot easier than just having my daughter in the stroller and having to hold my sons hand when we cross the street and having a view of him all the time and worrying about him. also he can jump in n out if he feels like walking.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I don't think three is too old for a pushchair. I mean I was still trying to sit in one when I was seven lol, so nope definately not too old.
  • AubreysMommy30
    AubreysMommy30 Posts: 64 Member
    Absolutely Not! My daughter is almost 3 and she loves to walk herself however she likes to try and take off whenever she can so I have to have a death grip on her hand constantly. For this reason, I try to take her in the stroller as often as possible. That way we can get where we need to go without me constantly yelling at her to walk right or stop twisting around. Trust me, there are worse things than a pre-schooler in a stroller! Some kids are great at walking on their own, others; like mine are too easily distracted to do it just yet. For his safety and your sanity, I say use the stroller for as long as you can!!
  • dorairwin
    dorairwin Posts: 210
    :laugh: My son is 5 yrs weighs 45 lbs and I still push him in stroller , only when we are Jogging/walkking / travelling/mall/ amusement parks :noway:
  • mollyjackson82
    my just tunred 4 year old still goes in the stroller for long distances. walking the dog around the neighborhood we don't use it but when i want to go for a good workout walk then yes.
  • Kristy0728
    It depends on the child. Mine were asking to get OUT of the stroller at about 2, they wanted to look and examine and see everything better than the stroller would allow. After that we brought a wagon just in case, but we encouraged them to walk until they were tired.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Oh please, you are lucky to have a 3 year old that still wants to be in a stroller. Who ever is expressing their opinion that he is too old needs to mind their own business. I have a few other things I would like to say about the person trying to control your decisions with your child but I will keep them to myself. :bigsmile:
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Tell the people with the opinion that he is too old to go screw themselves. It's none of their concern. Get the stroller. My sons will be 4 and 2 in september. Here are the reasons I use a double stoller some times.

    A: Somewhere to put him when he poops out.
    B: Place to put the diaper bags in case some one ****s themselves.
    C: In order for me to get any type of signifigant value from walking, I have to be going roughly 3.5 mph which is more than their little legs can handle.

    If you want to abandon the stoller, but want to stay fit, what I do is put my son on my shoulders and walk. He only ways in the low 30s so it's a great way to burn calories and make it fun for him. Although I need to carry a comb or wear a hat because all he does is trash my head.
  • amehime
    amehime Posts: 49 Member
    I use a jogging stroller for my 4 year old since there is no way I could get a good jog in with him on foot. He loves riding in it too. Jogging strollers are amazing...if I had it to do all over again it's probably the only stroller I ever would have owned. And anyone who gives you grief about using a stroller probably hasn't considered your situation and is just making arbitrary it doesn't mean much.