First Day on the Dukan Diet

Today is day one on the Dukan Diet. I know that there is always negative talk about these diets but I am going to give it a shot anyway. I have a goal and I have set goals in the past but I have let my eating get out of control and I can't let food control me anymore. It is time for me to make choices. Today is a new day and a new start! :bigsmile:


  • hi there :)
    Well I've lived in France for a few years so I've heard a LOT about the Dukan Diet, but being vegan I never tried it (i'm really not a meat person, but i don't judge other meat eaters) however I gotta say it's super efficient knowing that my roommate at that time lost 24 pounds (around 12 kgs) on this diet in about 3 months. So best of luck, if you have any question concerning that diet I think I might be able to help :)
  • angel_north
    angel_north Posts: 51 Member
    Hey Groove if you feel right about it go for it. This is for you and you only. I am behind you 100%!
  • sarvalfon
    sarvalfon Posts: 53 Member

    I am in your corner! I am on day one of a three day attack phase today, and I'm stuffed. I hope I can keep it up for awhile. I'm going to miss rice. I am not going to miss cellulite. I won't miss looking like a sausage crammed into my swimsuit. I'm optimistic. How is your version of the Dukan going?
